Chapter 21- Valentine's Day Part 10: Betrayal

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Vanessa's POV

"Alex," I looked at him, "Want to go back inside?" I asked him.

We were still on the table. I actually just watched the rain. The earthy smell made me stay and the sound of the raindrops made my ears wanted to hear more. But, just a few minutes ago, the rain wasn't that hard. It was drizzling hard, but not raining. It wasn't that satisfying to see anymore.

"Anything you want." He smiles at me and my face lights up.

His hand was just on the table. I grabbed it with my hand and stood up, pulling him away. While I running, I can tell he was stumbling but I just laughed and ran. The door was just right in front of us. We were going to barge in with a loud bang.

It made me remember my first day.

My heart gnaws. It was beating rapidly. I ran slower and slower.

"Vanessa are you ok?" Alex asks me. I realized that I was running like I hurt my legs.

I held my chest with one of my hands and squeezed that part of my dress. Then, I stopped. The door was just right in front of me. Just a push and we will be inside. With my hand on my chest, I repeatedly breathed in and out. A hand touches my back and brushed my back.

"Vanessa." A worried voice says my name.

I gave a big exhale. I smiled first and looked back at Alex who was worried, "Let's go in?" I ask with a bright voice. He raised his eyebrow.

"Yeah..." He says.

He pushed the door slowly. When it was wide open, it was silent. The students were still, looking at the orator with our principal beside him. It was dead silent. I took little and soft steps so that I won't shame myself by ruining this big awkward silence. Alex and I arrived inside. We smiled at each other for our achievement. We pushed ourselves in the students so that we may blend in.

It was just pure silence still. The orator just eyed us one by one. The principal was holding three framed papers but I have no idea what it is.

"Ok!" The orator yells literally just ruining the awkward silence, "All of you might be very confused right now."

Yeah, very. I hear murmurs of 'yes' around me.

"Well, your teachers and the principal has a very special surprise."  He smirks at us, "You see here," He looks at the framed papers held by the principal, "These are actually awards for couples."

I heart mumbles everywhere. Awards of what now? Couples? 

"First award is the 'Idol Valentines'" He pauses a bit, waiting for the room to become silent, "Second award is the 'Lovely Doves'" The room fills with murmurs again. That's what I love about us. He pauses again waiting for us to become silent, "And for the last but not the least... I want you people to shut your mouths when I say this." He glares at us, "Third award is the 'Best Valentine Couples."

They did not listen. The murmurs weren't even murmurs, they were speaking. Noise was around us. I kept myself silent because I knew that me and Alex weren't the 'Best Valentine Couples'.

"Silence!" The orator yells but the noise got even longer.

I looked at the principal. He was going to do it. He got something from his pocket.

"Alex, cover your ears!" I yelled at him and he exactly did what I told him. I covered my ears as well.

The principal held the 'thing' in his mouth. He takes a deep breath. When the students yelped in fright, he blew on the thing. It was a loud whistle that can make everyone die instantly. I looked around me and students were just covering their ears tightly. I could not hear a thing. I looked at the principal, he was still blowing. His face got red and stopped the whistling. 

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