Chapter 9- The Conversation

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In Class

Vanessa's POV

"And that is why x is---" Our Math teacher explains while we take down notes.

You will probably get mad at me for this but math is fun. Do not leave hate comments I'm innocent o_o

I looked at Mark, who wasn't paying attention to our math teacher because he is writing something. I can't help but look at it.

I Love You

That's what I saw on the piece of paper. I was so jealous now. I looked back at the teacher who was currently talking about how to get x again.

I Love You

It kept on repeating on my head. That sentence that Mark wrote on that piece of paper is driving me crazy. I was so frustrated about it... I smashed the table with my fists, making a very loud bang. All eyes were on me.

"Sorry for um... Disturbing" I said to the teacher and hid my face with my long hair, covering my embarrassment. At this point, I was very angry at Mark.

I glanced at him, he was smirking, writing on that piece of paper. I looked who it was for. It was for...


"Lisa! It was for Lisa! Why her! Why not me? I clearly saw it, it was a letter for her, Kyla, not me... Why her... Mark loves her... Not me! Not me!" I kept on screaming at Kyla who is now very annoyed by me. I just want to express what I feel.

"Vanessa! Stop! You are clearly driving me crazy!" She pulled her hair in frustration, looking at me very angry, "That is why you have to do our plan before it gets even worse!"

"But... Mark loves her more than me!" I whined, fake crying and Kyla just rolled her eyes on me.

It's currently lunch time by the way. We were sitting on our table. If you're wondering... Why are you screaming with Mark on your table? I'm not that dumb... Mark is currently sitting with Lisa from the farther distance, talking and chatting with each other.

"Look at the horrible sight!" I smashed the table with my fists and she flinched. I clenched my fists harder and harder when I see them laugh.

"You know what, I have an idea" Kyla said in an I-give-up-I-have-an-idea tone which made me looked surprised towards her.

"What?" I asked in a quite angry voice.

"You talk to Mark about it" Kyla said nudging my arm which made me look confused.

"What do you mean "it"? And anyways, I would not want to talk to him" I snapped at her which made her sigh.

"Well, if you aren't going to talk to him then you will never find out about it"

"Oh my gosh, can you stop with the it? Cause I have no idea what you are talking about" I said to her angrily.

She rolled her eyes, and sighed as well, "I mean you will never find out when Mark and your cousin is really having a relationship" She explained which made me study her statement.

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