Chapter 3- Unexpected Stories

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Vanessa's POV

 We walked to our usual place and talked about our projects and homework for the day. We were laughing at one of the jokes that our teacher made earlier today when my stomach suddenly grumbled. 

 He looked at me before eyeing the pizza stall. "Want to eat some pizza?" 

 I groaned, causing him to give me a funny look. I never really liked pizza all that much. "Please no..." 

 Mark instantly pouted at this and gave me his puppy eyes. "Please, Vanessa? I want to eat pizza today." 


 "But it's super delicious. I promise." He said. 

 I gave him a pointed look before I sigh. "Fine..." 

 Mark's face brightened up with a smile. "What flavor do you want to get?" He asked me as we lined up at the stall.

 I froze up when he asked, since I had absolutely no idea on what's good. I tried to peek over the long line of people to see the menu board, but it was a worthless effort. I gave him a sheepish smile and pretended to think about what to get, and that was when something came to me. 

I remembered something; a moment where a little boy said 'Come on, Vanny! I want a cheese pizza!' 

 Even with the strange memory, I managed to look at Mark. "I want a cheese pizza." 

 "Really? Me too!" He said, the shine in his eyes growing brighter. 

 "Yeah? Ha! What a coincidence." I chuckled awkwardly.

 "Come on, let's order," Mark told me. 


 We were at the table moments later. I was eyeing my pizza, the large amount of cheese swallowing the rest of the pizza. It seemed appetizing, but it seemed like a delicacy to Mark. 

 He was licking his lips before he looked at me and gestured to my pizza. "Well? Take a bite!" 

 I hesitantly grabbed my pizza and took a bite out of it

.And my god, it was heavenly!

 I couldn't stop taking bite after bite while Mark was watching me like I was a madwoman.

By the end of lunch, we were both stuffed as we walked to the classroom. On the way there, I purposefully stayed a few steps behind him to glance at him every now and then. 

 Gosh, I was smitten.

 We arrived at the classroom early when no one was around yet. I was secretly overjoyed since I had alone time with Mark, but I soon realized that this was a mistake as soon as we had an awkward silence for a full minute. 

 Tired of the silence, I decided to ask him some questions. "So, you said you transferred here because of Alex? What exactly happened?" 

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