The Clint Family (past)

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The Clint family could not be happier. Two healthy children, a thriving business, and a loving family. Before Garrett was born, his father's parents had passed away, while his mother's parents had moved back Switzerland just after Elaine was born.

"Hi mommy!" Garrett was now 4 years old. His sister was just an infant, cooing as she heard Garrett talk.

"How's my little boy?" Leni leaned down to hug her son with a gentle hold.

"I wanna play!"

"Daddy will be home soon, why don't we all play together when he comes back?" Leni smiled at Garrett, moving his shaggy locks behind his ears.

"Okay!" Garrett said smiling, running over to the cradle Elaine was sitting in.

Garrett slowly rocked the cradle back and forth, seeing how Elaine stared at him, her eyes narrowed on him as she nipped at her pacifier.

Elaine was a small baby, although her head was not in proportion to her body, making her a bit like a mini bobble head. She was classically cute, showing antics of playfulness from a young age. Garrett treasured her a lot when she was first born, being a model older brother.

Four years passed.

Elaine was now four, and like her brother, learned basic skills very quickly. Garrett, at age eight, was not necessarily mature for his age, but had complex thoughts and was still very caring towards his sister.

"Are we going to go to the lake today, Daddy?" Garrett asked as he thudded down the flight of stairs in their house, boasting a missing tooth as he smiled.

"You bet we are." Thomas smiled at Garrett, adjusting his plaid shirt collar as he stood up from his seat, finishing his mug of coffee.

Their dog, Renner, thudded down the stairs after Garrett, woofing loudly. He was just a pup and was already huge.

"Easy there boy!" Thomas pet Renner as he stopped running at the bottom of the stairs. Renner kept on woofing, pawing at the stairs. He could hear the footsteps of the other Clint family members.

"The women in the house are ready! Aren't we Elaine?" Leni smiled as she walked down the stairs, holding Elaine's small palms as they walked down slowly.

"Right, mommy!" Elaine smiled as she took careful, but playful steps down the stairs.

Renner dive-bombed Elaine, which thankfully was not harmful, since he was still not strong enough. Elaine laughed as Renner licked her face, trying to grab Garrett's hand to make Renner go to him. Renner caught on and then did the same thing to Garrett, both kids laughing.

"All right, Renner, let your siblings breathe." Both Thomas and Leni said, smiling as they helped their children move out of Renner's space. Renner kept panting happily, the whole family petting him.

Thomas and Leni were going to take their children and dog to a lake outside of Athanas City, which was inhabited by plentiful forests and lots of wildlife. It was a perfect spot for winding down with your family. The Clints hopped into their car, a small black sedan, with Leni buckling Elaine into her booster seat, while Garrett jumped into his own booster seat, wrangling the belt around him before finally clicking it into the belt holder. That got a hardy laugh from Elaine. Renner was sat in between the two children, still happily panting. He sat upright, glancing to his left and right as both Garrett and Elaine pat him.

"Ready to go kids?" Thomas turned around to look at his children, wearing a bright smile as he looked at Garrett, Elaine, and Renner.

"Yes, Daddy!" Elaine happily bobbled up and down in her seat, clapping her hands together as she looked at both Thomas and Leni.

"Of course, Dadster!" Garrett said as he also smiled, slightly mimicking Elaine's reaction.

Renner replied with a happy bark.

"Off we go then!" Leni said as she spoke happily, pointing forward as Thomas began driving out of the driveway.

2 years passed.

"Uncle Dray!!" Garrett ran into Drayson's arms, his head just slightly below Drayson's collarbone. Garrett grew really fast.

"Well lookie here, it's my favourite niece and nephew!" Drayson said smiling, taking Elaine into his arms as well.

"Uncle Dway!" Elaine said teasingly, pretending to talk like Elmer Fudd.

Drayson was Thomas's younger brother by two years, but the two were like twins. The had very similar antics, shared the same sense of humour, and were both great with kids. In a sense, Drayson was the 'cool' uncle. Before Drayson could even react, a huge figure glomped him down onto the ground, white fur everywhere. It was Renner.

"He's gotten really big!" Drayson said smiling as he slowly got Renner off of him, petting his head gently. Renner calmed down much faster.

"Yup. He's not a puppy anymore." Leni chuckled as she also pat Renner, Thomas following her example.

"Mommy? Daddy? Can we go to the yard out back and play with Renner?" Garrett asked politely, gently taking hold of Renner's leash.

"Of course! Be safe and do not go outside the fence okay?" Thomas said smiling, hinting concern in his voice.

"You bet!" Elaine smiled as she ran with her brother and Renner to Drayson's huge backyard, which could almost have been a football field.

"How's your shop working out?" Thomas asked Drayson, pointing to the small auto shop next to Drayson's house.

"Business is slow at the moment, but I'm getting more people coming in lately. All those road trip people, you know?" Drayson placed his hands on his hips, smiling as he looked to the shop. "It'll be big soon, I promise you guys." Drayson said as he looked at his brother and sister-in-law.

"We'll be there to see it. Maybe Garrett and Elena can work here when they're older." Both Thomas and Leni chuckled, smiling at Drayson.

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