“Arghhh!” The groans and roars of the angered demon continued to shake her sister violently. Its massive strength battled against Lynn’s grip, making her struggle to hold her in place.

       “Mia! Fight back, don’t let this piece of trash control you!” Finally, there was one rough pull and Lynn yelped in pain as she fell forwards in a plummet.

       Her wounded arm had failed her and the demon took the opportunity to break through the lasso.

       “No, I won’t let you hurt my sister!” This time, it was Mia’s actual voice speaking. She was indeed fighting back and it made the being from hell stumble back in frustration. It held its head, while fighting for control.

          ‘Its grip on her is weakening!’ Lynn thought, scrambling to get to her feet. A sharp pain soared through her wounded arm, making her wobble lightheadedly. Ezekias’s attack had been powerful enough to drain a considerable amount of energy from her, even with all the llyrium she had ingested.

          ‘I need to focus…’ The demon was starting to gain control again, eliminating any chances she had in defeating it.

          A slight shake and then a shiver that played around her spine…

        The hairs on the back of her neck went stiff, letting her know of the powerful presence that had approached. It caused the air around them to thicken as a strong spiritual energy engulfed all those present.

       “What…is this?” Lynn’s eyes became wide in shock when she saw a ripple in what she assumed to be time itself. The air materialized, twisting and turning till it emitted four beings.

          “I’m pretty sure this is the park!” Isabel exclaimed, when she revealed herself as one of the beings.

          There was a gurgle-like cough followed by the sound of puking. David held onto Exsavior the best way he could to avoid collapsing altogether. Apparently, nothing could have prepared him for the trip. It almost made Exsavior vomit all over again, but he contained it. This time around, he braced himself to avoid the discomfort.

          “Well, not for my sake or yours but for your pals over there. This better be the place. I doubt they can take any more time jumps,” Locke said nonchalantly as he scanned the area.

          His eyes immediately fell on Mia and Lynn, and then the frightened people that had gathered around the park to observe. Instantly, he assessed the situation and made his move without hesitation.

       Approaching the spectators, there was a gleam in his bronze eyes as he smirked at the frightened audience.

         “Honestly, why bother looking if you’re so scared?” he asked playfully, his feet ceasing to make contact with the ground.

          The gesture made the viewers scream in fear at the floating trickster, but this only caused him to laugh at them. One twirl and he was now facing them upside down in mid-air, his silvery hair dangling before them in a mockery.

        “Come now, and play with the Fool. The Jester kids you not for the Madman never fakes. Maoris Arcanis, Ill Matto.”

          The ancient words left his tongue like a riddle from a book of fables, and they intoxicated every sense of the humans present. It created the illusion he wished for them to see, allowing the immortals to move around freely and undetected.

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