Chapter 30 Don't Let Her Go

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Chapter 30

Don’t Let Her Go

“Only know you love her when you let her go.”



         The street lights felt like flickers of stars in the southern part of Oakhurst. They were purposely devised so that every shine was a different shade of color. It was a bustling place, filled with teens and young people having fun; the main plaza of the town was what really attracted the people. In the center of it all was a rather large ice type arena, Exsavior did not understand what is was for, but upon looking closer, he noticed the humans sliding about on the slippery surface. Curiously, he approached the metallic rails and grasped them hard, his eyes wide as saucers in wonder over it all.

         He could feel Mia giggling at his side, and before he knew it, she grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the dancing people on the ice.

      “Where are we, Mia?” he asked her as she pulled him along the crowd of people. Young couples laughing in glee and care for one another surrounded them both, and it made him look back at his hand that was grasped by hers.

         It felt right; the feel of her delicate skin on his own made him smile.

         “You’ll see, it’s a surprise,” she said, as she turned her head back slightly to smile at him.

         Her face was showered under the flickering colorful street lights, and it made her smile even more beautiful. Maybe it was his wolf blood that caused Exsavior to be so captivated by Mia at that moment, or maybe it was due to the fact they were finally enjoying each other with no secrets.

         ‘This is how it should always be,’ he thought to himself, as he followed her form to the inside of a building.

         Exsavior was disappointed when they left the glowing ambience to be secluded inside, but he quickly shrugged it off when Mia sat him down on a bench. He saw her go and speak to someone at a desk, who gave her two pairs of odd looking footwear—more contraptions he hated.

         Before long, she was back at his side and with one smile, she handed him one of the weird looking shoes.

         “What’s this?” he asked.

         Mia laughed, pulling her hair back as she took off her boots.

         “You’re going to need them if you want to ice skate,” she said as she slipped into her skates.

         Exsavior blinked at her and then back at the skates. His were black with a slick silvery blade at the bottom whereas hers where white with grey. Shifting his gaze from them, he noticed through the corners of his eyes a couple laughing at their own clumsiness in the odd shoes. One boy was attempting to walk in them as his partner held him the best way she could, and it was then that Exsavior realized that he would most likely be the fool trying to walk as Mia balanced him.

         “Um, no,” he voiced simply, eyeing her to see her reaction.

         Mia ignored his response for the time being as she finished putting her skates on. With ease, she stood and smoothened out her jeans with her hands. During some point of their trip, she had stopped at her place and gotten a hold of gloves and a warm jacket. Exsavior remembered how she wanted him to wear similar things, but aside from the fact that Mia had nothing for him to wear, he didn’t see it necessary.

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