Prologue The Black Night

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Of Immortals and Men

"When in my deep slumber, I feel her touch and sense her voice that whispers to my heart like a soft tune enthralling me. Only she can reach my soul, as if it were an Angel sent from above..."

~Exsavior aeon of Valor~



The Black Night

"Millions of spiritual creatures walk the earth  

Unseen, both when we wake and when we sleep."

         ~John Milton, Paradise Lost~

          Lightning struck—the following thunder left a loud resonating boom that shook the dense forest. His heart leapt in his chest, as his sensitive ears drowned out the cries, and focused on the rumble. Running was all he could do.

          Exsavior watched them—every single one—through the side of his canine eyes. His golden irises flashed intensely every time his kin fell by the flying shrapnel. The air pounded in and out of Exsavior’s chest, and his powerful legs pushed against the dirt in a fight for his freedom. Unable to prevent it; his life was being torn asunder. Immortality made him invincible, but he became powerless at that moment.

          In an instant, a shotgun fired hard. Its silver shells—a metal lethal against Exsavior’s kind—scattered throughout the forest that was his home. Stray shrapnel destroyed the barks of the trees in attempts against their lives. The rain never stopped its wailings, as if howling in their place.

          ‘You all keep going. I’ll hold them back.’ In one brief moment they stopped.

          His father’s word was always absolute. It commanded them, but Exsavior embraced the urge to look into his eyes. A giant stood on his fours before them. His sleek raven fur—drenched by the pouring rain—shone with a bright blue hue under the moonlight. His father epitomized a god.

          No one said a word, for it became moot to speak—they could read each other’s thoughts.

          ‘I’ll stay and fight.’  Exsavior boldly interjected. What son would leave his old man to die alone?

          ‘You’ll die.’ What father would allow his son to die with him?

        ‘You can’t do this alone!’ Somewhere along the conversation, Exsavior’s heart had sunk. He realized the plan had been decided since the beginning of the chase.

          ‘I’m not alone.’ A few of the others joined his father, and that’s when he understood; save the young and the weak.

          He was weak…

        Exsavior would not accept that, but with uncertainty, he looked around him and observed the rest of his pack. They needed someone—someone to guide them.

          Could it be him?

        No, he was no leader. Exsavior was a warrior, and he needed to stay and fight. The females and the young needed the protection, and he was neither.

      Determined, he moved before the colossal beings that towered over him. Exsavior was nowhere near their size or strength, but his resolve urged him to corroborate. His father eyed him with impatience, knowing well his intentions. The night sought Exsavior’s death, but his survival was essential to the pack.   

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