Chapter 37 A Clouded Mind

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Chapter 37

A Clouded Mind

“We can just run them red lights.”







         “Captain? Captain, wake up! They’re waiting for you.” His voice sounded so familiar—so soothing and friendly. Why did she feel as if she knew this voice?

         “Who are you?” she expressed in a low timid whisper, as if scared he would leave her.

         There was nothing she could see, and no matter how much she tried to open her eyes, she could not. But even so, when those words left her lips, she felt as if he beamed at her in a tender gesture.

         “Don’t you remember me?” and then she felt his soft touch caress her cheek. “…my captain.”

         Those soft delicate words, laced with affection, tickled her heart and it made her want to open her eyes even more. She needed to see him—who had she forgotten?

         When his touch vanished from her face, she almost whimpered and it was then that her eyes flew open. With high hopes, she frantically searched for the person that had been with her, but there was no one. Only a dark ceiling lay before her eyes.

         Voices quickly filled her head; laughter and comments were being shared in the next room. This in turn made her sit upright from the mattress she was lying in. Somehow, she felt saddened, but she did not know why. So she slowly scanned the room, and saw it to be familiar. The quaint living room, the couches and all its furniture—she had been in this apartment before.

         Standing up from where she could only guess had been her bed for the past night; she walked hesitantly in the direction of the sounds. When they became clear, she stopped to listen.

         “I guess your surprise visit must have been fate. If it were not for you, Exsavior would have been in big trouble.” The voice of the young girl was familiar as well, but the name she said, that one odd name that left her lips so casually—held so much weight.

         It was then that she hastily opened the door and entered the room in angst. Her eyes felt frantic and her heart pounded in her chest with fear. All of those present looked at her with curiosity, but she did not see them clearly. There’s was only one person she was in search of.

         “Ex—savior…” It was as if she was learning to speak for the first time when she whispered his name.

         “Mia? You’re awake…are you alright?” The rest of the inhabitants were silent, as they watched her at the entrance of the door. While Exsavior, who was sitting upright on a bed, covered in sheets, spoke to her gingerly. His voice laced with worry and care.

         In that moment, as Mia stared back at his smiling face and brown innocent eyes, her mind started to focus. It cleared and her disorientation was lifted. She remembered everything that happened the night before, and she clearly remembered how her powers took control of her.

         Exsavior still had bruises on his skin, which reminded her that it was no dream. He did not even have a shirt to cover his chest, another detail that let her know that the battle did take place.

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