Chapter 54 The Echo of Power

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Chapter 54

The Echo of Power

"I am everything you can't control."


Mia sat herself up and looked at Exsavior with solemn eyes. He was sleeping, in all his beautiful glory, soundlessly and peacefully—most likely a sight that would be shattered the minute he'd awaken.

But she was done crying, and she would not hold back any longer.

Standing up from the grassy spot where she laid, she began to dress herself as her bare feet tingled under the ground.

It was humid and moist, and the sky although beginning to brighten, looked pale and dark. The clouds were obviously gathering to pour down on them.

"Tomorrow is a full moon," she whispered as her eyes stared off into the distant sky, the endless space that was supposedly her home. When the words sunk in, she turned back and looked at Exsavior while spreading her wings.

A full moon just seemed so ominous.

Letting out a heave of breathe, Mia flew into the dark sky and disappeared from sight. She needed to meet up with Elias one more time now that she knew everything.

Now that there wasn't any doubt in her mind.

Flying had become natural to her, but thinking back on it, it was never hard for her to do it. Most likely because of her past life.

As Mia soared throughout the clouds, she felt the dew drops stick to her skin and evaporate within seconds. It was a cold feel, but it soothed her—it took her mind off things for a split second.

Her eyes managed to find darkness when she unconsciously shut them, but after sensing Elias's spiritual presence, they fluttered opened. Mia swooped down like a comet of light traveling towards the earth.

He never left the spot they were in—the beach of Oaken-Kami was secluded and perfect for them to have their conversation.

Landing gracefully before him, Mia was about to conceal her wings when Elias's hand grabbed her arm. He stopped her, and with no words, she let the silvery appendages free for the remainder of the night.

"Elias, my sister was a demon. I am an angel captain, created directly from the Almighty," she paused and noted his eyes watching her. They were so intense, shining like beacons of light under the dawning sky.

"Zachariah...Nathanael...," Mia's eyes dimmed as her stare fell to the ground. "Angel...she helped me. I chose this life!" And once again, she lifted her eyes to stare at him, this time with a struggling frustration, as if trying to see if he would help her comprehend her motives.

But Elias only watched, waiting for her own conclusions, and she knew this. Mia knew because, although she was frustrated, there was little to understand. Everything was made clear to her—it was now only a matter of acceptance.

"I chose to come here. Everything that happened, I influenced it all. I saved Exsavior, and then bound myself to his soul. Ilima would have never been my sister, were it not for me," she said.

"Knowing this, what will you decided?" and finally, Elias felt bold enough to speak.

There was a short hesitation on her part, but she knew the answer to his question.

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