Chapter 6 Tragic Pasts

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Chapter 6

 Tragic Pasts

“Regrets and Mistakes are Memories made.”



          “Mommy look, the lights are back!” He felt himself running—as if he knew about the lingering dread.

        The beautiful blonde woman just turned and smiled brilliantly at him from a distance—a distance that seemed endless. She wore a light blue gown, and even like that, she seemed perfect under the glow of the moon. Her radiant smile made her look like a goddess.

          “Mommy look, please mommy look!” He yelled and then screamed, but she never looked. She just smiled. Somewhere deep within the reaches of his frenetic mind, he knew that there was nothing to look at. Everything was black around him as if he was the only person meant to be looking.

        “Exsavior, you can do it. I believe in you.” She said, and then her simple sky-blue gown became tainted. Blood filled the air, and the crimson stain ruined her dress. But she never stopped smiling.

           “You can do it.” Her eyes shut and her body fell slowly to the ground. Her smile was eternal.


        “Exsavior!” In a sudden rush of emotion, Exsavior gasped for breath, waking up startled. He was burning up as if suffering some kind of fever.

          “Oh my god, are you ok? You’re soaked in sweat.” Disorientated, his scared eyes came in contact with Isabel’s face, and this made him calm down.

          Exsavior was sitting in a corner of an unfamiliar room, completely naked with only a blanket to cover him.

          “I’m…I’m fine…” He stammered, trying his best to push back the vulnerability. Even though his body was sweating profusely, he clenched the blanket tightly, as if his life depended on it.

          It was dark possibly because of the late hour and as his eyes scanned the room, he noticed a single window to the side of him. The wall seemed to be dark blue and the sheets of the lone bed indicated a feminine touch. There was also a wooden like desk that smelled a lot like pines, which led him to believe it was some sort of apothecary table, most likely for potion-making. He put the pieces together; he had made it to Isabel’s room.

         Isabel was silent for a moment, as she watched him in concern.

          “Exsavior, what happened? Who did this to you?” She asked.

          The memories were so fresh that he could not even think about what had happened earlier before.

          With wide eyes as if in shock, Exsavior uttered, “Mom…” but the words confused Isabel.

          “What?” She said confoundedly.

          It did not take Exsavior long before he realized that he had been rambling. Shaking his head a bit, his eyes went back to normal and he calmed himself down. He took in a deep breath and spoke.

          “It was an old man, a witch I think…he had a cane…” He said.

          But the description did nothing for Isabel.

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