Chapter 35 Never Let Me Go; They were Goddesses Final

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 Chapter 35

Never Let Me Go

They were Goddesses final

"The crashes are heaven for a sinner like me, but the arms of the ocean will deliver me—so cold and so sweet."

~Florence and the Machine




         Lynn stood face to face, eye to eye with the source of her power—of her every ounce of resolve. The one thing that granted her complete access to the abilities she possessed.

         "Why hath thou comest?"

         Boldly, she approached the adamant king in golden armor. It was the most burnished of mails, made out of the purest of metals not found anywhere on earth. "King Gilgamesh, my patron and king of kings, I am here to retrieve what I have lost."

     "What insolence!" In a second, the king's anger willed him to stand from the throne of diamonds. There was a flash from his hands, and the dark room lit to reveal all of his treasures.

         The perception she had of the room was misleading, as countless of riches flourished it in a sea of infinite luster. There were thousands of objects, from lamps to shields to swords to armor to gold and jewelry—no trinket known to man was absent from the sight.

         In the kings hand was a small white orb of light that remained the source of all lighting, and he did nothing to move from the position he was in as he decided to eye the woman.

         "Thou hath failed to uphold thy part of our pact, yet ye would be so bold to request my aid?"

         With wide eyes, Lynn spoke in confusion. "My King, I don't understand. I haven't broken our pact...," she said tentatively.

         But the King did not speak; instead, he allowed the light to burst and blind Lynn, causing her to lose her focus.

         They were a swarm of images; those of a time once lived, and they invaded her mind as if her reality. It was then that Lynn opened her eyes, and saw herself—a young redheaded girl standing amidst chaos.

         "Look it's the girl's older sister."

     "If we have her, it will be easy to get our prize." Voices slithering with venomous evil surrounded Lynn, and she hugged the small brown bag of groceries closer to her chest where her pounding heart battled.

        Frenetically, she stared down the dark sidewalk; a few more blocks to go before she was home. Mia awaited her, but would she make it?

         The figures emerged as if from the shadows, and their eyes glowed red with pure lust of evil. She couldn't even tell if it was possible for a human to have red eyes.

         During all this, present Lynn watched solemnly, knowing well the King's intention. At the time, she didn't know what those beings were, and it wasn't until recently that she finally had an idea.

         Younger Lynn cried in pain as she ran from the monsters, the groceries lost behind her. Her escape was not successful; they latched onto her arms and yanked her back to them until she fell to the hard concrete. Lynn cried out loudly, as her scared eyes scanned her attacker, but she could not see anything but black and red eyes.

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