Chapter 1 The Legend of the Wolf

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Chapter 1

 The Legend of the Wolf

 "There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls..."

~George Carlin~

'Dear Daisy Diary,

I guess it's time to go there...

I wanted to lose my memory. I needed to forget, and for a time, I did erase the events of that night. However, it was different with Father. He could not overlook it. Even mom was able to push passed all those lifeless bodies we saw back then. I was only six at the time, but I will never forget the sight of that wolf—or the blood. So much blood...

Mom would always hush me when I asked about it, especially when Dad hid in his office for hours. I knew something wasn't right. Mom and dad weren't talking as they used to, and it seemed like my father could only talk about that night.

Finally, it occurred. I had gotten home from school and heard the loud cries coming from the bathroom. It was Mom; her mind snapped and was screaming for my father's return. After that she was institutionalized. I was only ten when it happened. I cried for my father's return every day, believing he would. Kids are naïve that way. They build themselves up with hopes and fancies, only to have it crumble by the harshness of life. Then I turned fourteen, and Father still didn't show. Mom was hospitalized after her mental breakdown. I had to work to get by while living with my aunt, who didn't care about me in the slightest.

I've learned that no matter how you look at things, no matter how much you're made to believe, life is not a fairytale. Blue is not blue; red is not red. Everything is black and white; you are poor or rich, happy or sad. You are dead or alive. There's nothing in between. My dad obsessed over that, everything in between here and there, but at the end of it all, he faded away. He couldn't understand that the wolf was just a wolf. It was just an animal. A wild beast that killed a bunch of men, and my father failed to kill it. For that, I hate him. I hate the wolf. It tore my life upside down, and I had done nothing to deserve it. It killed mercilessly and was granted life, whereas I, a mere child, received punishment.'

~Love, Amelia~

She read it over to herself while caressing the old yellowish paper. Memories from fifty years back—forever imprinted—were now passed down to her. It was not a happy letter, but it was the only thing that gave her proof of her mother's existence. Nevertheless, Mia would have preferred anything but that letter. Amelia had been miserable from such a young age, and she never got passed it. The anger and all the hate she had, allowed Mia to understand her somewhat.

Still, was it fair?

Amelia's father abandoned her, and for that, Mia paid the price. Her mother did the same to her. She left when Mia was only eight years old. The first time it happened. Naturally, Mia's father was devastated, but he remained strong for both his daughters until the very end.

'That was a long time ago,' she thought.

Looking out of her bedroom window, Mia refrained herself from remembering. The thought of her father would always cripple her into tears.

'Lynn would be here any minute.' And because of that, she decided to focus on her sister who was coming to visit. Her discontent was blatant, but if she was to become a Covenant Zealot, Lynn had to evaluate her.

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