Chapter 20 Without You I Would Be Nothing

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Chapter 20

Without You I Would Be Nothing

“Funny, you’re the broken one, but I’m the only one who needed saving.”

~Rihanna ~


          Margery could not help but gaze at Anise’s small form, walking in front of her. They had left her house for reasons only Anise knew and now they ventured into the forest. The young witch wanted to show her something, but she suspected that the something may not even be worth seeing.

          Anise was off; Margery hadn’t seen her in so many years, but she still knew her well enough to know that something was not right.

          A soft wind caressed her face and somehow, Margery found it hard to stare at the girl.

          ‘When did it come to this?’ Her heart was already stricken with sadness of the memories from her son, so it was not hard to succumb to more painful thoughts. However, these recollections were of Anise instead of Conan, and it was affecting her as much as the photos had before. It was just too bear in one night.

          At some point, Margery’s stare fell to the grass as she watched her feet move after Anise. She unwantedly started to remember.

         Anise was just a child when she first activated her ability to summon otherworldly animals, and unfortunately, she used it against her parents. Margery knew what the poor child had gone through, but she still failed to comprehend from which side Anise got her Wiccan ancestry. She assumed it must have been a latent bloodline passed down from a distant relative. Nevertheless, she remembered it well. She had a received a complaint from one of Anise’s neighbors and it was the first job she had as a social worker. Of course at the time, she didn’t reside in Oakhurst, nor did she know that it would soon become her home.

          Margery sighed and looked up at the moon that twinkled bright overhead, as if watching them. ‘I wonder if Exsavior is alright.’

       Her mind wandered back to the wolf she grew used to taking care of; Exsavior wasn’t the easiest immortal to deal with, but he wasn’t the hardest. That’s what Margery believed as her sight went back to Anise. Back then, she was a tortured child, but only because she desperately needed someone to love her. Margery knew this the instant she had arrived at that address so many years back. The front door had been open and sounds that were not of a healthy household had flooded her ears. She could never forget that fear-stricken face of the young girl, who passed out after watching the horrid scene. Because of this, she found it easy to care for Anise, and after losing Conan, Margery became a childless mother. So, she smothered Anise and tried her best, but Ezekias had come between them. Much like with everything in her life. She did not know exactly what happened back then; only that Ezekias had gotten to Anise.

          Suddenly, she came to a stop and Margery stood a good distance away from the witch. Anise turned to face her with Midnight in her arms.

          “What did you want to show me?” Margery asked, quietly.

        Anise remained silent as she summoned a black crow; the gesture made Margery’s suspicion intensify.

          “Go, and wait for the right moment.” She spoke to the bird, causing it to squawk and fly off.

          “What was that about?” Margery asked, but Anise ignored the question.

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