Party Till You Pass Out

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Song: Animal by The Cab


"Are you guys going to that party on Saturday?" Nicholls questioned at lunch on Thursday. I wasn't really the party type. I had decided that I wasn't going to drink or do drugs at all, so I had never been much of a partier. Besides that, last time I went to a party, I ended up regretting it immensely.

"What party?" Oliver questioned after chewing the bite of sandwich in his mouth. Nicholls looked at him with wide eyes like how dare he not know about this party.

"Anthony's throwing it. It's only going to be the biggest party of the year," Matt K interjected. Anthony was one of Chris' friends from the rugby team. I saw Oliver tense up at the name out of the corner of my eye.

"We should all go together," Lee suggested. My stomach sunk at the thought of having to spend a night watching practically the whole school get drunk before my eyes. It sounded like pure torture.

"Sounds fun," Oliver commented, agreeing to the plan. He was really not helping. I took a sip of my water hoping they would forget I was there.

"You in Chelsea?" Nicholls questioned hopefully. We had all become good friends and they always included me in whatever they did, so I was expecting him to ask me to go.

"Um, no," I replied, shaking my head. I didn't even have a good excuse. I would have usually tried to come up with something that I was 'doing' instead, but my mind was blank.

"Why the fuck not? It's gonna be awesome!" he exclaimed slapping his hand on the table for emphasis. I let out a small laugh at how excited he was. I was truly glad I had become friends with these guys.

"I'm not really a party person," I responded. I didn't tell him why I despised parties. He probably already knew though. The douche bag that lied about sleeping with me practically made sure the whole school knew.

"You're not a party person? How can you hang out with us and not be a party person? We are going to make you a party person, my friend," he told me, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. My stomach sunk even lower at the thought. I was really just the type of person who liked to stay home, but people didn't seem to get that.

"No, really, guys. Just go witho-" I started.

"No way in hell are we going without you. You are going to that party and that is final," he said in a stern tone. He folded his arms across his chest telling me that the conversation was over and there was no way in hell that I was getting out of this one.


It was Saturday. My stomach felt sick just thinking about the party. The guys were picking me up any minute now. I could fake being sick, but then Oliver would worry about me and probably insist on staying with me. I had picked out an oversized long sleeved Avenged Sevenfold pullover, black jeans, my boots, and my black beanie. I was trying to cover up as much as I could to not have a repeat of any kind of my last party. I took a deep breath as there was a knock at the door. I ran downstairs determined to get there before my mum did.

I opened the door and was immediately greeted by a peck on the cheek from Oli and his cheerful "Hello, love."

"Hey," I replied, slipping my phone in my back pocket. My hands were practically shaking. I really just wanted to be in my bed right then finishing up A Walk To Remember for the fifth time, but no. My friends and my boyfriend were forcing me to go to some stupid party.

We walked down the sidewalk to Curtis' mini van and piled in. The guys chorused their hellos and we were on our way. When we got there, there was already a shit ton of people there. I could hear the music from down the street and smell the alcohol from the car. It made me want to puke more than I already did. This should be good, I thought sarcastically. We climbed out and the guys all ran in. They made a beeline to the alcohol which was in the kitchen. I notice that Brittany and James were there and I had to hold back my groan. Could this night get any worse?

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