From That Day Forward

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| Warning! May contain a lot of spoilers. Read at your own risk. |


From That Day Forward

by Cynthia Green aka @CGshorties or @cynthiagreen

Have you ever met a stranger who you made friends with? Have you felt love at first sight? This is what happened to a guy who's name is unknown. We don't know, that maybe you. This is a story where a boy lost his hold of destiny, but found it once again in the end.

Cynthia has made such great short stories, like the "Last Farewell". But have you ever tried reading this? I'm sure you'll be in love with this. Deeply in love.

A normal summer day wouldn't let the guy expect a special event that is to happen. Nothing extraordinary comes his way except the girl wuth the "nutella" hair, who he deeply falls in love with for the very first moment he laid eyes on her.

The very first thing I saw was her eyes. They were a pair of blue that sunk me deep into an ocean. Her hair was resting at the top of her chest and a few strands were flowing behind her like a burst of chocolate fountain. It was unlikely brown, with a touch of caramel along the edges and it was running until her middle back. Her white complexion made me peek at her a little more and it was so fair that a model can die for that skin color. Despite all of these facets, I cannot get a move on over her eyes. It was so innocent that you can call her innoncence a beautiful thing.  

I didn't know guys would think this way. Wow. He sounds so like a poet. So much. Doesn't he?

The story is so intriguing and entoxicating that you can't stop reading it. And when it's over, there will never be an over. I'd often feel a fire in my belly to keep reading it, over and over again. To be honest, I've read that thirty times now. I think it might have been thirty-two or thirty-four, I don't know. But it's worth a million reads. I tell you. And you will never regret it.

I might have been as disappointed as the guy when he lost hold of the girl. Like what the old grandma said, "She's a keeper." I was once involve in the same kind of situation.

I was also at the bookstore, looking for Cassandra Clare's City of Bones. I could not find it. Everywhere I go every shelf, ever rack. Only The City of Lost Souls is the book that I can see. So, I was rumbling over a particular area in the fictional category, and this guy - who is not only a guy, he's rather called a "cute" guy - came near me. He got my attention by waving hus hand in front of my face. He asked me what I was looking for and I told him I was searching for the City of Bones. He accompanied me for the whole afternoon until be finally found the book. His name is Paul. But he kinda left when my mother called me from behind. Yup, bummer.

But I never stopped believing after reading this story. I know that Paul will come back for me, [erhaps with a bouquet of roses. Sigh, isn't that gonna be romantic? Lol.

And the most adorable part was the last one. I was like, "Oh my gahhd, they're gonna get married? Aaahh!!" I was grinning so much that I couldn't even put back my normal expression.

Even from the fact that I hate reading romance, I love the manner of being in it. Of having your own love story, where everything is under your control and fate will just guide you. I never knew Destiny was my fate. I never knew she would come back. I never knew she would be mine and I would be hers. I never knew she would wear the ring that I gave her. I never knew she would walk down the aisle in a white dress. I never knew she would give me a family. And I never knew she would love me as much as the way I love her.

Omg. Isn't that so adorable? Wow. Cynthia Green is so good in playing with my feels, if you know what I mean. Haha.

However, this is my favorite of all quotes from the story:

"But, from that day forward, I knew that I will have the greatest of all adventures with her, far from the stories that I have read. I knew, she is my right kind of book."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2013 ⏰

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