"Hey you alright" Colton said with some concern in his voice.

"We have never really been apart I am always there to look after Chloe" I sniffed.

"Well you needn't worry she's in good hands, mum will spoil her rotten and she and BB are terrors when they're together"

"I know, it's just she's growing up and she will not need me anymore and ..."

"Stop!" Colton retorted "Chloe thinks the world of you, she will never leave you,you won't be alone because you'll have our family around and Chloe can come and visit us in our home anytime"

My brain imploded when he said us, our home, did he mean, I looked up into his eye's and there was a determined look in them.

We arrived at the airport and bypassed the normal terminal's and headed to the far side of the airport to some hangers set on their own.

"Where are we going" I asked bewildered.

"To get our plane" he replied pointing pass my shoulder out of the window.

I turned to see a blue and silver plane smaller than a commercial one with the Barratt logo emblazoned on the side. Of coarse you have you own plane I thought.

We pulled up along side and the driver opened the door for us while another man went to the boot and retrieved our luggage, a big black SUV pulled up behind and three huge guys and a trim young lady got out and made their way over to us.

"Hi" said Colton, shaking their offered hands "Guy's I want you to meet someone very, very special to me Leanne Masters, and as I shook their hands Colton introduced them to me.

Todd smallest male in the group but very stocky.

Knuckles aka Rufus tall African American built like a tank.

Jezz southern boy with a southern twang build in between the other two.

And finally the only female, Alex quiet, slim build but muscular and firm body.

" How do you put up with three men" I asked.

"Easy" she smirked "I just put them in their place"

The three guy's looked solemn and nodded their heads, I had to laugh.

As they followed Colton and me towards the plane, I asked.

"What do they do" I asked.

"The three guy's are our bodyguards"

"Oh" I said feeling a bit nervous "And what does Alex do"

Colton turned and looked me in the eyes before he spoke.

"She's your personal bodyguard, thought you would prefer a female rather than a male besides...." He lowered his voice to a whisper "I don't want another man getting to close to my girl"

Oh shit why did he have to add that, now I'm struggling to get up the steps to the plane, while he smirks at me.

When we enter the plane, I stopped and openly gape, this wasn't a plane, it was a palace with wings.

Sumptuous cream leather seating walnut tables, a bar, a kitchen, bedroom all done in cream leather and walnut, it's even got a shower, movie studio area. TV, phone you name it this planes got it, I mean you could quite happily live on it.

Colton directed me to a large leather chair and sat me down and strapped me in. He sat one side of me and Alex the other. Then the noise of the engines starting brought me back to reality, I had never been on a plane in my life, let alone flown in one.

The Pursuit of Leanne MastersМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя