I heaved in relief. "Thank God!" We walked a little farther and came to a stop near a little book shop. I leaned on the wall and slide down. Sitting on the pavement with my back pressed against the wall. Head resting on my arms which were folded over my knees. As the adrenaline washed away tiredness started gripping on to me. Several thoughts, moments and incidents swam around my head.

What had become of my life? Just a day ago I was a normal college girl worrying about not being late to classes. And now here I was in some other state running for my life. With a guy whose guts, I hated the most.

"You lied." It came out in a whisper.

"What?" I looked up to see a confused Ian.

"You lied." This time, my voice came out clean and sharp. The accusation in my words took him off guard.

"I...I... Didn't...."

"Don't lie to me again." I stood up and dusted my pajama pants. Pushing the glasses up my nose and I met his eyes squarely. "Don't even think for a minute that I'd bought your cock and bull story."

He was flabbergasted. "I..."

"I don't even feel angry anymore. I just feel disappointed. I trusted you."


"I didn't ask for this chase. This trouble. But here I am. My life is also at stake. You know? That endows me with the right to know the truth at least."

Ian sighed. "I didn't mean to lie to you. Trust me."

"But you are keeping me in dark. How can I trust you when you can't even tell me why we are running? Why there are people after us?"

"I can't tell you why. Chasity. I just can't. The less you know the more you are safe."

"Huh." I snorted. "This is safe? Yeah. Right. Ian. I can't be safe when I don't even know what kind of danger I'm facing. Sigh. This doesn't make sense."

"Chasity. I can ex..."

"No, Ian. I can't take this anymore. I need to get away from this for a while." Ian took a step towards which made me step back. "Don't worry. I'll be nearby. I won't run off." I turned around but turned back again to face Ian. "How did you find me this afternoon?"

He scratched his head in embarrassment. "I...um... slipped a tracker device in your pants pocket last night. Which I tracked down using my phone."

"What?!!!!" Putting my hands inside both of the pockets, I found a button shaped black thing in my right one. It was really small. "You know what? I don't even have the energy to ask why you have this stuff with you." I extended it towards Ian but he pushed it back.

"Keep it with you." I nodded and pocketed the device. Turning around, I started walking to nowhere in particular. All I knew was I wanted to be alone. To be normal. Even if it's for a short time.

The streets here were different  from that in Tennessee. They had the same type of shops, people and buildings yet it looked different. I don't know for how long I walked but I was feeling a little better now.

A little farther I saw a payphone. Without thinking, I ran up to it. Only after reaching it I realized that I didn't have a single penny on me. Heartbroken with the realization I leaned on the wall next to it.

I really wanted to hear mom's voice. Whenever I was sad her voice would pick me up from the gloom. It'd only take a few words from her and I'd be back to my cheery self. And right now I was in desperate need of it.

During the bus ride, Ian had told that going to any one of my relatives' place could be dangerous both to us and them. At that time, this advice raised many red flags in my head. Why would he say so? Why would that be dangerous?

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