Kiss of truth or death?

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*Adore's pov:
It's later that night and I'm headed to Roy's room I need to talk to him badly. I can't do this anymore. I need to tell him how I feel no matter the outcome. I walk up to his door and knock carefully. As I'm waiting I hear more quiet sniffles. He's crying over this and me. My heart is broken. Finally I hear the shuffle of his feet and the lock being undone. As the door pulls open, I see his sad Lillie tear stained face. When he looks up and sees its me he quickly wiped his eyes and put on a scowl. This will be easy right? Nope. "Hey. We need to talk please." I say timidly. He slowly shrugs and let's me in. I go over to the bed and sit on the side of it. He comes over slowly and sits beside me. "Are..are you ok? I'm sorry if I was the cause of this an..and I just don't ever want you to feel like this and I'm so sorry and..." I inhale and blush as I realize I had been rambling. I look up into his deep dark brown eyes and just melt. He's so perfect and I need to tell him him I feel and ugh this is just so hard. " look, I need to tell you something Roy." He cocks his head and looks at me questioningly. " I..I..I like you ok?!" I say loudly. He looks at me shocked. " I always have since the moment I saw you I knew I'd fall head over heels for you. And I don't care how you feel, I mean I do but if you don't feel the same I get it." I say while breathing shaky. He just looks at me and doesn't respond. I sigh and as I go to get up and and he doesn't stop me. I run to my room and slam the door shut. I cry all night and barely got any sleep. When I woke up I went to Ben. I knocked on the door and he immediately opened it. He takes one look at me and just hugs me while I cry. I feel empty inside and I still have to for o work today. I dry my eyes and get ready with him. As we walk in I see Roy with a bunch of people around him. I feel immediate sadness wash over me. He's saying something and they are off again whispering. I can't look at him anymore it hurts too much. I walk over to my work station and just start messing with the thing I have. Out of my eyes, I see everyone staring at me. I huff with annoyance, but then ru comes in so I was safe for now. After the mini challenge, I am working with Ben and we're just giggling at everything. I go to grab something and I trip and Yelp. I'm such a klutz. In stead of the floor that I am expecting to hit, I landed in soft arms. I know these arms. I was held in these arms on a pizza date, in which we fell asleep with other people in the bed. "Oomph" I say as I land in Roy's arms. He steadies, as I regain my composure, I blush like a baby. He just caught me yet couldn't tell me his feelings? I stand fully up and run outside. I am tearing up right now and I don't know where to go or what to do, but I can't stand there and be close to him. I sit on a bench outside and just cried. I got up a while layer and went to the stage. I saw Ben and he just ran to me. I grabbed him in a huge hug, cause I was scared that he would leave too. " I'm not leaving ever, got that?" He says while drying my tears. I just have had the worst day and I don't think anything will make it better. After we get back from mains rage with another friend gone, Ben and me and a group of the guys are headed to dinner.  We went to a little pizza place down the street.  "Omg this is so good!" I moan out. "Hahahaha" the guys all laugh at me then do the same when the bite into it. After our pizza "adventure" we head back to our rooms. I wanted to stay with Ben but it wasn't aloud so I was sluggishly heading back to my room. When I got there I cried at the sight. Roy was there on my bed with a tub of my favorite ice cream and  a movie was starting. He got up shyly. " I didn't mean to ever hurt you. I was so shocked that you said that. I-I-I just couldn't believe that someone as young and as gorgeous as you would fall for a old stubborn chola like me." He says looking at the floor. I grab him in the biggest hug and then I did it again. I planted a big old kiss on him. And this time he kissed back. We were ok and this was ok and everything was just, ok. And it was like that all night.

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