Pizza date and desert

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*adore's pov:
Omg i am going on a "date" with Bianca! I'm so excited! As soon as we got back into our own rooms, I started getting ready. I picked out black skinny jeans and a purple tie-die shirt. I have wanted to spend time with Bianca since day one. I hope this goes well. Well, this is it. I think as i walk out of the room. I am walking tweeds Roy's door when I hear a bunch of nasty words. I knock on the door and hear the cursing getting louder, especially when Roy fell. That was a new one. As Roy opened his door my eyes widened. He was standing there in a towel with a pissed off expression. As soon as he saw me his reaction went to horror. "Omg don't look! I was having a little bit of difficulty!" He said with a blush and a little whine. I started laughing at his behavior. It got worse for him though, when a bunch of the guys walked by on the way to the bar. They all stopped to look at me and him. He is now Crimson and I was as red as the carpet. Their eyes just went to Roy. Then a few started laughing with me. I looked at Roy, who was suddenly a little annoyed. "Come on." He said as he pulled, he pulled me into his room. I looked around before my eyes landed on him. He had a towel around his waist and no shirt on. I like this scene. "So-sorry I took so long, I can't find anything to wear." He said a little nervous like. I just loon at him and smile. "It's ok, we don't have to hurry." I say while still looking at his abs. "So where do you want to go?" He asks while looking forward r clothes. "I don't care, I like pizza though." I say giving a quick smile. "Well if you want we can just order a pizza here and watch a movie" he said with a little shrug. I blushed hard. "O-okay yeah let's do that" I say while checking out his nice carpet. "Ok hold on, he puts his hand over the speaker, what kind you want?" "Umm pepperoni please" "ok they'll be here in 10". He says while heading to the bathroom. "Make yourself comfortable" he says going in and shutting the door. As he was in the bathroom, the door rang. As I answered it I hear the bathroom door open and see him step out. I am gonna have fun tonight. As we settle down and start the movie, we get closer together. Soon Roy's shoulder was against mine. I stiffened a bit then coughed it off. I hope this will go well. I look up at the tv, and just melt into it. It felt like a few seconds before I feel a vibration and a beautiful sound coming from next to me. I look over and Roy's staring at me. Laughing. I blush. "I called your name like 5 times, you must really like this movie." He says chuckling. "Ye-yea I guess I do. Sorry I was just a little lost in thought." I say, again, blushing. "Naw it's cool I just sat here and kind of looked at you." He says nonchalantly. "O-okay" I am as red at the pizza sauce on the plates. He starts laughing again. "Hold still you got a little something" he says while moving closer to me, eyes on my lips. My heart is hammering in my chest. Im screwed. I feel a soft brush of his skin on my lip and open my eyes. "You had a little pizza sauce on your lip." He says as he chuckles softly. I look at the time and see that it's 1:00am and in a little tired, but really comfy. I just shuffle down and watch more of the movie. After what felt like forever, with a smile on my face, I faded into darkness. Oh well.
^ A.N.- I am so sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been busy with school, and have been working on other books and chapters. Sorry.^

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