Hotel rooms

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* updated/ spell checked 3-29-18*

*Adore's pov:
" I'm Roy btw, or Bianca."
Bianca what a beautiful name, for a beautiful face. Wait did I just think that?! No I can't think that! We haven't even started the competition yet. Just put it in the back of your head Adore, you have to focus.
"Hello?" He asks. "Wha-what? Oh sorry just lost in thought." I say blushing slightly. Then the most amazing sound I have ever heard rings in my ears, his laughter. "Hahaha nice. Well I have to get to my room and start getting ready so I'll see you soon." He says as the elevator bell rings. " see ya in a few," I tell him as we get off. I start walking towards my room when I'm bowled into by a flash of blonde and colorful fabric. "OMG we are here together!!! I can't believe that we both made it! I'm so happy I know someone here. Okerrrrr!" I hear as I'm being squished on the ground.
That voice sounds familiar..I look up and see laganja estranja! "Omg I haven't talked to you in forever!" I say as I'm getting up to hug her. "I know right! We need to catch up sometime while we're here." She says.
"Totally gurll," I say laughing hysterically. We decide to go to breakfast tomorrow before we need to be at the studio. As I pick my stuff up and head to my room and see Roy standing by talking to a blonde guy with an accent. I notice that we all have rooms next to each other with Roy in the middle. Yay! I walk up to him to say hi to the blonde.
" hey," I say casually walking towards them. They both turn to look at me. The blonde speaks first. " hey I'm Shane, I also go by Courtney." He says in an Australian accent. "I'm Danny or Adore, whichever works best for people." I say looking at him brightly. "Cool I'll see ya at work tomorrow ok?" He asks. " sounds like a plan," I say as we all turn to enter our rooms.
I set my stuff down and look around. This place is huge! My bed is the first thing I see and I'm running to it. I leap onto it and cuddle up with my pillows. I had a long yet fun day, and I have been dreaming of just going to bed.

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