Second day's a charm?

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*Adore's pov:
Yawn. Ugh I haven't slept that good in a LONG time. I look at my room and laugh. Everyone sprawled all over the bed. I look at my phone and yelp. "Guys get up!!" I yell and shake them. An angry Roy, a confused Ben, a tired-looking Shane sit up and look at me. " what?" The ask with a little whine from the tiredness wearing off. "Sorry, but we have 30 minutes! We'll be late!" I yell as I look for my bag. "What?!" They say, all awake and running around. Shane and Roy said a quick bye and were out the door. Ben followed shortly, cause he had to pee. I'm running all around gathering my stuff and head to the bath room. After I'm fully dressed, I head out to see if the others are ready. I head to ben's room first. I knock on the door and wait. After like two seconds he appears out of breath, almost in tears. I feel someone behind me and see Roy and Shane are there. "I'll be right back, I whisper, go down and get so food please" "ok see you there," Roy whisper and rubs my back a little in sympathy. Flutter flutter. Oh god it happened again. I just shake it off. I walk into Ben arms and hug him tightly. "What's wrong baby?" I add while I wipe his tears. "I-I can't find anything to wear!" He says starting to cry again. "That's it!" I say shocked. " here I'll help you silly!" We start going through his clothes. After we pick out a top to match the pant we chose, we are out the door. I held his hand the whole elevator ride, so he wouldn't be afraid. We walk out into the lobby where everyone is waiting. They all turn and look at us questionably. I just lead Ben over to Roy and Shane, who has food! "Hey we're ready!" I say as I grab my coffee. "That's good we thought that something bad had happened." Gia  Gunn say giggling with Laganja. She's more of a bitch then yesterday. Oh well. We all walk out to the cars, me and Ben still hand in hand.
* Bianca's pov:
We all arrive at the studio and head inside. Ben's calmer thanks to Danny. I wonder what happened. Oh well I'll ask Danny later. I'm so ready for this challenge! Pft frankly I'm ready for all the challenges. I came prepared. Now Danny on the other hand didn't. I hope he wins today so he doesn't go home yet. Ok let's drraaggg it up!
It's an acting challenge! I am amazing at these! I make costumes for a living, I think I know how to perform. I hope I get good teammates cause I can't stand some of these bitches. Cough Gia, Laganja cough cough. So as we're getting critique, Dela and adore are looking at each other. It's strange, somethings going on i can feel it. Vivacious went home, I didn't know her personally but I hate that she went home so soon. Oh well let's get me out of this wig! Adore also got a hard time. She got nailed for her non cinching talent. Adore is holding Dela's hand again. We get to the hotel and say our goodnights. As I climb into bed I think about today, all the important events. Suddenly a though pops into my head. Them holding hands.
Anyone else not ok with them holding hands? So it's just me. I don't like these feelings. They mess with my head. After this whole thing is over we'll be separated again. It's just a little crush, besides were so different. Ugh goodnight.

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