Authors Note☺

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Hey guys.... I'm going to start off by apologizing for not being able to update the story lately. I am an All-star Cheerleader and it really does take all of your time and attention. Between Cheer and school, my free time has been non-existent. I should at least be able to write a lot on Saturdays and randomly publish them throughout the week.

Thank you so much for almost 200 reads!!!

Anyways, I guess I should tell you a little bit about myself.

I love Cameron Dallas, the Dolan twins, and the other magcon boys. I just started reading the hunger games and do I am 170% obsessed. ( #joshifer) Please do not spoil the book for me. :b If you guys have a book you'd like me to read, please suggest them.

ILY GUYS SM!!! ♡♡♡♡♡

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