Chapter 4

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Cameron's P.O.V

I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her in my arms, knowing she was safe. But I couldn't. Just like when I was a kid and realized that I couldn't watch cartoons all my life.

I remembered that we had the rest of Spring Break together, and finally let her go.

"Can we order pizza now? I'm starving." Mckenzie said once I released the hug.

"Oh" she giggled at realization that we needed to eat.

I dialed the number as Mckenzie went downstairs. I heard her walk back upstairs to the bathroom right across the hall.

"Mom I told you I don't like him!" Mckenzie said

"Well you should care what I think, because I'm your Freaking daughter." She said.

"No I will NEVER move back in. No I don't know where I'm gonna stay yet....Cameron's house for this week." She screamed the first part.

"Mom I'm your could you call me that just because I'm staying at my best friends house. I don't care that he's a boy he's a good person and as a matter of fact I basically lived at his house when I was little, but you probably didn't notice. And your the one speaking saying I'm a sl... sl- well you have a new boyfriend every week that you choose over me. And I can assure you that you will NEVER see me again." She screamed.

"I HATE YOU TOO MOM!!!" she said it in the voice she has when she's tearing up.

I ran to the bathroom to comfort her. Crap it was locked.

"Babe can I come in?" I asked softly

She didn't say anything, just unlocked the door. When I walked in she was crying worse then I have seen her before. If you didn't know she was crying, you would've thought she was dying.

I picked her up without saying anything and took her to the couch on my back porch. I layed down and set her on top of me. She was crying hysterically into my chest, I felt crushed. I would do anything to make her feel better.

I just layed there, stroking her back and trying to comfort her. She was adorable, even crying.

"She called me a sl-sl" she tried to say in between sobs.

"I get it babe you don't have to say the rest. That's very untrue. I can't believe-" I stopped myself realizing it would make her cry more. Mckenzie doesn't like to cuss, and neither did I, so I didn't make her finish the word.

"Hey kenz- you can stay at our house as long as you want." I said

"Really?", she asked

"Yeah, I thought you knew that!" I said, reassuringly.

"Thank you so much cam" she said.

I could tell she was done crying.

"No problem, I like having you over!" I said with a smile.

"Can you get my stuff from my house though, I don't wanna be stuck talking to my Karri and Scott.", she asked.

"Course kenz. But...Karri?" I asked.

"If she doesn't respect me I don't respect her." She responded.

"I understand." I said.

Mckenzie got up and went back in the house as I followed her. My mom walked up to kenzie.

"Are you okay sweetie?" My mom asked

"Yeah, do you mind me staying here for a while?" Kenzie asked

"Course not, stay here as long as you want honey." Mom said.

"Thanks, Mrs. Dallas" Kenzie said


Mckenzie ran to the door.

"PIZZAAAAAA!" she screamed.
I laughed and put plates on the tables.

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