The End!

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Thank you all so much for reading I will definitely be coming out with a sequel this summer! I mean, I can't just leave the story like that! If you have a suggestion for a title of the book, then please comment it.

Oh and comment answers to these questions:

1. Are you team Shawn or Cam?

My answer: In this story idk because I love Cameron and Shawn, but in real life, even though Shawn is a cutie, I would have to choose Cam. ●Sorry Shawn :( ●

2. If any kids are introduced into the story (or babies)  ; ) , then what would you want me to name them?

My answer: idk, that's up to you guys.

3. Oh, and for the babies, boy or girl?

My answer: still up to you guys.

4. What days should I post chapters on?

5. Do you want anyone in the story to die or be kicked out of the book?

6. Nash and Leah or no?

7. Any Fanfic suggestions? I'll prob do a Shawn fan fiction next.

8. Do you guys like the book?!

I'll post the title of the sequel here when I figure it out ⬇

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 02, 2016 ⏰

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Only Friends. (Cameron Dallas)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora