important A/N and Requests

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Hello people of the internet! And wattpad

PLEASE READ THE WHOLE NOTE! It's pretty long but please read it. Quite important

MayoteShoujo here. And this is actually the first book of BF stories. Feel free to check out my other works too. Okay so i've started playing Brave Frontier again. Yay! I play at the japan server from now on. My global server got deleted ;A;

I thought this game need more fanfics so i thought why not write a thing or two about x readers? And boom this book was born. Anyway might remind you guys before you read. Possible OOC,might be some lemon/lime,angst-ish that might make you cry and weird af storylines. Feel free to request.

As for the request,here's the thing you guys have to know :

★ ONLY REQUEST AT A PAGE THAT SAYS YOU CAN REQUEST!! I won't accept any request you made on the chapers. And please request on the newest update of the request chapter. If there's more than one request chapter pls pick the newest update one



★ if you guys request character x reader only (ex. Vargas x reader only) it might take longer than if you had a plot in mind since i have to look for a plot.

★ if you had a plot pls message me. I'd appreciate it if you message the ones with plot instead of putting them on comments. I will mostly put the ones with plot first in most cases sicne it's faster.

★ i do lemons a little bit (i suck at it tbh) and lime. But i may only write a chapter or two once in a while. Depends on the request. I might not write that much of mature content

★ please wait patiently for updates. I update slow since i'm working on three/four books and i'm a student. Please bear with the slow af update. But i'll try to update a chapter ASAP

★ i might not do some request if i don't know about them that much. But i'll do my best!

★ if you do request a character x reader without plot,if you have an idea of the type just tell me. (Ex. Vargas x reader fluff) just like that and i'll try to come up with a fluff storyline

★ as for the lemon/limes chapter i'll put a warning on the A/N that indicates that this chaptr has mature content. So please read A/N for the warnings.

★ for the request i might only accept around 6 at a time so if you see the request are 6 please don't request because i won't accept them. So you have to wait to request

★ if i don't upade your request in a while pls message me or comment again. I'm a busy girl so i write on what i see on top. So i suggest to message me for the request so i can list then

Also last thing,for you who don't really read x readers. These might be used on my chapters

Y/N = your name

H/c = hair colour

H/l = hair length

E/c = eye colour

S/c = skin colour (not really often used)

F/N = friend's name

And information about the text i use in the book.

Normal - narrative text. Also might be someone's thought during characters or reader's POV

Bold - coversation

Italic - thoughts. Might get a bit poetic sometimes lol my bad.

Bold italic - maybe someone's voice over the phone,video or something. I'll explain them on the narration.

I think that's all for now. I will add more details at the chapter's A/N in the beginning if there are some more that i'll use.

Thank you for reading this crap
note until the end. I appreciate it.

Welp,happy reading and  i hope you enjoy this book i write. Bye~

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