Chapter 17

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Chapter 17---Day 6

            Lizzie woke in a strange room with tall white walls. She sat up and glanced around to see Matt, praying beside her. She tapped him and he looked up; then he wrapped his arms around her. “You’re okay. Oh baby, you are okay,” he cried as he squeezed her tight. “You scared me so much.”

            “Of course, I’m fine,” she hissed; then she slapped a hand over her mouth. “Why am I here?”

            “You had a feeding rampage before you collapsed in my arms; so I brought you to my apartment,” he explained before he kissed her forehead. “I’m taking you hunting. Come on.” He took her hand and helped her off his bed; then they hurried out of his apartment and out into the woods behind it. They ran to the outside of a clearing, where he stopped and stooped. “There was prey here recently.”

            Lizzie sniffed and could feel her fangs pop out. She raced forward, following the trail till a buck appeared in her path. She stopped for a second and watched it before she launched forward, tearing out its throat quickly. She drank it empty, feeling it flow through her body. With every drop gone, she stood and felt better, stronger even. She turned around to see Matt, watching her with aloof grin. “Told you that you would like it,” he joked as he moved swiftly forward and wrapped her in a hug. “Wasn’t it satisfying?”

            “Extremely,” she muttered as she put her ear on his shoulder. “Can I go home now?”

            “Baby, are you sure that you feel up to it? I don’t want you to feed on your lovely family,” he replied as he held her back at arm’s length. “Let’s go to Johnathan’s first. You kind of ran out of blood.”

            “Okay…but then home? Please Matt,” she pleaded as she stared deep into his silver eyes. “Please Matt.”

            “Maybe baby; but I don’t think it is safe there for you at the moment, he repeated before kissing her; then he ran with her beside him. It took a bit longer than usual, but they still made it there before sunrise.

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