Chapter 10

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 Chapter 10---Day 4          

Lizzie woke, earlier than she usually did, to the soft pounding on her window. She glanced at it to see her cloaked cutie, patiently sitting there. She rushed to unlatch it and he slipped in. He kissed her fully on the lips; then he stepped back with a frown. “Baby, I must go…hunt. I will be back to protect you in no more than a day,” he told as he hugged her close.           

“Hurry back. I love you,” she whispered as she clung to him; then he slipped back out her window. She sighed before flying into the bathroom and showering really quick; then she slipped into an outfit and attached VightVpeed to her belt. She whispered words of invisibility over it; then she flashed down to the kitchen. She grabbed a bottle of blood and gulped it down.           

She slung her pack onto her back and sprinted out of the house, to the school, and up to the door. She calmly walked to her class after she left her bag in her locker, just making it before the bell.

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