Chapter 1

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 Chapter 1---Day 1

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>2 years later<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<   

Lizzie woke from another dreamless sleep and glanced over at the clock. ‘Ten minutes till school. Not bad,’ she thought as she stretched; then she flashed into the shower. In less than a minute, she was fully cleaned and dressed. She flew down the stairs and stopped in the kitchen. She pulled a bottle from the fridge and gulped it down; then she tossed the empty bottle into the sink, slung her backpack onto her back, and at the speed of light, ran toward the school.           

She slid to a halt right outside the school with five minutes till her first class. She walked in at a super slow speed for her that spent a whole three minutes just to get to her locker. She stuffed her bag into the locker and pulled out her math book. She ran forward with only a minute to spare and wasn’t totally paying attention, when she collided into someone. Her stuff went flying and she landed on his chest. “Sorry…” she mumbled as she crawled off him.           

“Zack. My name is Zack, and no apology needed. It isn’t everyday that I get ran into by a beautiful girl like you,” he laughed as he began to gather her stuff.           

His hand touched hers as he gave it back and she smiled as she caught sight of the red paint in his brown hair. “Thank you, Zack. I’m Lizzie,” she replied as she looked down into his green eyes.           

“Good meeting you. Maybe I’ll see you around?” he asked as he stuffed his hands into his pockets.           

“Sure,” she answered as she slipped into the classroom and sadly received a tardy slip. ‘How do I keep getting these, when I’m the fastest creature here,’ she thought sadly as she slumped down in her seat.

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