chapter seven

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Kimberley POV

I held the gun steady and firm to his head.

"So I don't get any last wor-" were his last words

Before he could finish what he said I sent two to his head. Feeling no regret when I shot him I pretended it was marky I didn't want to stop but I didn't want James to think I'm crazy I wanted this job, I needed it.

"Well done. we've been after him for about 2 months how'd you find him?" Mr. James said

Followed him for a few days his schedule is very repetitive more like sequence, it was pretty easy like I knew he dropped his daughter off at school at 8:30 it would take him approximately 34 minutes and 45 seconds to get to selling roughly by 10:08 he was selling to the crackys  down the street and the next hour he'd go to the valley.

Your a smart girl you don't deserve this he said. With a small frown.

"This is my life now it ended before it  started." I replied.

James (Jarvis's dad)

"This is my life now it ended before it  started" she replied

Well I'm sorry to inform you, you didn't get the job you know what that means. I held the gun to her head.

You ain't scared to die kid? I asked her

I'm already in hell she shrugged but if imma die you ain't gonna be the one to pull the trigger.

I was confused by her statement until she quickly grabbed the gun from me in a swift moved and pointed it toward her own head.

"Well done you passed we heard slow clapping from a distance." I knew it was mo already I asked him to come just incase shit popped off.

"So you've never shot a gun before?" Mo asked her

"Other than today no" she said taking all the bullets out the gun.

Hmm you move like you working with the feds mo said.

She didn't respond I could feel the tension between them so thick you could cut it with a knife

Well Kimberly imma need you to ride with mo to the trap I have a couple meetings of my own to handle.

Yes sir. She said politely I liked ole girl she's the baddest girl we had since monae and monae wasn't even this good on her first day.


I bet y'all wondering who monae is? Well she was my twin sister till she pasted away last year I blame myself for it we got into an argument and I didn't go with her to do a drop and it was her last.

So what's your name lil ma? I asked her

Don't you remember? Coco honey puffs? Or Sugar and my mama name spice.

Damn ma you a trip. But really i wanna know your name if imma work with you. I said I really felt like to chuckle at "sugar and my mama name spice" hearing it from her mouth made shit more funny.

My name is Kimberley .

"Hmm to girly for someone in the game." I said

What you mean to "girly" imma girl. She said with a bit of a chuckle but face quickly returned back to straight.

How bout killa kim? I asked

Hmm it can rock. Imma call yo-  she started

Magic mo I said trying to make her laugh

Eww nooo that sounds just no. She said laughing. Hmm how bo- I cut her off again

Dadd- I started to interrupted her but she interrupted me.

No not that imma stick to Mo and I hope you stick to my name not no ho names.

ight ma I'm sorry about that shidd most the bitches Jarvis brings to his hOuse are hoes and a nigga had to assume I said  apologizing to her

Well I don't know about them but I don't like no one disrespecting me when they don't know what im about. She said

Well I like you ma you real cool.  ight imma introduce you to your second boss. I said

Another boss really I barely got along with James. She said

Nah James likes you its this boss that's finna get under your skin.
I smiled as she had a curious face on we stepped into the room.

Really he held a gun to my head. She said talking bout rich.

It was a test shesh the grudges are real. I said arriving to the trap.

Let me holla at him real quick you stay here and wait for James to come.

Right. She said.

This  Could Be Us (Completed) (Chapters 36 And Up Not Properly Edited)Where stories live. Discover now