" You're very blunt for a lady" Lord Fisher chuckled, who would have thought the frighten little girl he held in his arms, many years ago would turned out to be so brave? " Take care of my son for me. " the door shut behind him with a bang.

Halley let out a frustrating sigh. Why does none of her tantrums affect that man! Turning towards Joshua, he give her a wry smile.

"I wish I had the courage to stand up to my father like that"

"It's not that hard you know. " Joshua chuckled, offering her his arm. With a warm smile she took it.

"How about a walk around the gardens?"

They walked down the stone pathway to the magnificent garden, Halley rested her head on his shoulder. The sun was slowly making an appearance, bringing warmth to the chilling air.

Joshua stopped by the milk coloured roses. Halley watched as he picked one from the bundle. " You're so beautiful Halley." He tucked the rose behind her ears. His fingers gently lingered along her cheek.

Halley cheeks heated, she casted her head to the ground hiding her glossy eyes. " I'm your wife. You're obliged to say that."

" Halley look at me" He gently tilted her chin towards him. " I'm not saying that because I'm your husband. I'm saying it as a man who knows rare beauty when he sees it."

Halley had never seen this side of Joshua before, she awkwardly clear her throat to stop herself from crying almost forgetting what transpired a while ago.

" Joshua what did your father told you, to got you so upset?" She watched as his eyes turned cold. She hated ruining this romantic moment.

"Halley why you had to bring that back up!" He stalked away from her. Halley followed.

"I need to know! I'm you're wife!" Halley stood in front of him, her hands cupped his face. " please Joshua... ..please tell me."

He placed his index finger on her lips. " I don't ever want to hear you begging me like that Halley...only in bed. " He briefly smirked.

"I'll tell you." They went and sat on the bench near by. Taking a deep breath, he began to speak. " It was my mother, Charlotte" Halley entwined her fingers with his, urging him to continue. " She was so beautiful, smart and funny. A wonderful mother. From what I could remember my parents were constantly arguing. Father was never home at nights. So my mother slept with me every night, she told me that she didn't want to be alone in her room. She cried a lot, told me that my father didn't want her anymore. I told her that I needed her. Those simple words brought a smile to her beautiful face. " his thumb rubbed against her hand in a soothing manner. " We did everything together after that. She would take me shopping, by me candies, played in the gardens. My father always watched from his study. I hated him. He always made my mother sad. One day my mother and I was exploring in the woods, he got so angry with her for Taking me away from his prying eyes, after that I spend all my days in my room, locked up. I didn't know where my mother was or what he did to her until one evening I looked out and saw her sitting in the garden. I rang for one of the maids, as soon as the door was opened I excaped, She was so happy to see me Halley. She manage to pick me a bunch of flowers, white roses to be exact," His eyes glance the rose in Halley's hair. " told me that I'll know what to do with them later, Just before the servants came to drag me away. That night I couldn't sleep so I went to her chamber. Doors were never locked at nights." Joshua closed his eyes as a tear rolled off his cheek. Halley knew what happens next wasn't pleasant. " I- I entered the the room just as the chair slip from under her feet." Halley gasps with shock, wrapping her arms around him as he sob." I watched the shocked expression on her face before her life left her body."

The Lost Princess ( The Compulsion Bride Series) Book 1 (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now