1/6 cups of depression

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Elissa's P.O.V

We came home yesterday from our trip.

Thankfully Nick wasn't riding my plane.

He was all I've been thinking about, its driving me insane.

I walk over to the fridge to get some orange juice, but just as I'm about to open it I see Nick's moms funeral invitation.

"Guys, today is Nick's moms funeral, I promised I would go." I say to Aaron and Liz, who have been staying with me almost every night and day.

"I think you should go, we can go with you, it won't be for Nick it will be for his mom." Aaron says and gives me a small smile.

We finish out breakfast and ran upstairs.

"What should i wear?" I ask.

"We can help you get ready." Liz says.

Aaron runs to my closet and Liz starts doing my hair and makeup.

Liz curled my hair, and my makeup was a light amount if lip gloss with light smokey eye eyeshadow.

For clothes, I wore a black Lacey dress that came down to my thighs and it puffed out at the bottom.

"Thanks guys." I say and twirl around.

Next was Aaron's turn I did makeup and hair and Liz did clothes. For hair and makeup, she pretty much had the same makeup as me, but for hair she did this super pretty side twist. For clothes she had on a plain black dress that ruffled at the bottom.

Liz wore a tight black dress with some light brown eyeshadow and her hair was up in a bun.

"Ok, let's go." Aaron says as she tosses me my keys.

I inhale and then exhale deeply. I wasn't ready to see him again.

"Thank you." I say as a tall guy hands us a small piece of paper that had the schedule on it.

We decided to sit in the fourth row.

I saw Nick and his, I'm guessing, aunts and uncles in the front row, then I saw Liam and Conner next to him.

The pastor starts speaking some words, but then he called up Nick to make a speech.

I look down and sigh, I have to hear his rough voice.

Nicks P.O.V

"Good evening everyone. Um so I'm guessing most of you know my mom or my family, and.." I pause and take a deep breath. I look around the room to see who was here...and I see...Elissa.

Wait what! Why is Elissa here?

I regain my focus and finish my speech. I was already starting to cry. I notice Elissa was lightly crying too.

After the funeral we went to the burial, my dad was there and he was sobbing his life out. I mean I was crying and all, but that man was like wow. He looked super tired, probably because he hasn't gotten much sleep.

"You may now say some last words." The preacher says and motions towards the casket that my moms deceased body lays in.

"Mom, you were all I had left. Why...why'd you have to leave? Now I'm left with..dad. I need you most right now, I made a mistake and I need your help...but obviously that won't happen, so..go...goodbye mom." I say to the lifeless body.

Once I sit down I see Elissa walk up to the casket.

To be honest I don't want her talking to my mom. She didn't even know her, I didn't want her to even come.

As Elissa walks by and I mumble, the b word.

"What was that?" She asks with a stupid sass tone.

"Oh I was just calling you a word you are." I tell her with a smile.

"Ok listen I didn't come for you so just shut you damn mouth!" She yells a bit louder. Hearing her cuss takes me a little off guard she never cusses.

"Hey this is my mom so you can just get your pests including yourself can crawl out of here." I say.

"How can you be so mean when your the one who was a dick head!" she shouts which causes people to stare.

"Aw how can you be so mean to a boy who just lost his mom, your making a great impression keep it coming." I tell her making her feel bad.

She glares at me and run out of the grave yard with tears falling off her face.

"Dude, she was just trying to help." Liam says.

"Oh what are you her BFF now, you can go with her and her pests too." I tell him sternly. Conner starts squirming around.

"Me and Liam bickered for about 1 minute until Conner steps in.

"GUYS JUST STOP!" He yells as he grabs his stuff and leaves, Liam is next to leave, and soon it was just me.

Rain starts pouring down as well as a couple tears. I punched the chair in front of me.

"Why do I always mess things up!" I yell.

"I'm so stupid!" I scream again and begin to cry hard as they dump my moms casket into the deep whole.

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