A drop of fun

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Elissa's P.O.V

I had been working on Erny's speech as much as possible. Today was his funeral and me and Nick were going together. I don't know if I would be able to make it. I invited nick, because well he's my boyfriend, and because he's really sweet. I never thought I would say that. I mean like wow, Nick Brown is my boyfriend!

"I'm waking up I feel it in my bones enough to make my system groan."

Came ringing from my phone. Someone was calling me, who would call me, it's only 6 A.M.

"Uh hey Elissa." Nick says. Aw.

"You kind of scared me I didn't know who you were!" I tell him.

"You get scared to much." Nick tells me.

"Yeah well you suck on girls faces to much!" I say and laugh. Well that's what he used to do, but obviously he's changed.

"Anyway I'm picking you up 30 minutes before the funeral so be ready, and wear something hot!" He says.

"If you count a mid thigh plain black dress with plain and heels hot then yeah." I say. I didn't feel the need to be all sexy and stuff for practically my dad's funeral.

"So are you doing okay?" He asks me.

I sigh. "So far, I'm trying to just focus on my speech, but I'll probably loose it at the funeral." I explain.

"We'll I got to go get dressed bye." I tell him.

"Oh can I watch?" He begs.

"No!" I say as I end the call.

I run upstairs to get dresses, the funeral is at 5 PM, so I decided to just wear normal clothes for now. I put on a purple OBX cropped top with a pair of black shorts.I put on some black eye liner, mascara, and purple and glittery eye shadow, its pretty transparent though, I don't like super noticeable eye makeup. As for hair I make a head band out of a black bandana.

I hear the door open from down stairs.

"AHH!" I screamed. "Who's there." I add. There was no answer, which makes sense because why would a robber say, "oh yeah my names bob I'm gonna rob your house." Ok Elissa back to reality your about to die.

I slowly make my way downstairs when I see Nick standing in the hall with flowers in his hand. "Aw thanks, but I hate you!" I say confusing him. He made a weird look but then let It go.

"See you get scared way too much, like its not normal." He chuckles

"Ok Nick, if you want me to love you take me to the mall, we have 11 hours!" I beg, I really could use some new clothes and makeup.

"Sure, I'm such an awesome boyfriend, I'm rich, so I can take my girl shopping, and I'm really hot!" He says.

"Race you to your car!" I beam as I run out the door being followed my a slow poke. "You run like an old man!" I tease as I get in the car. The first thing my hand touches was his radio. I turned it to 100.9. Right now clarity was one. I mean that's my jam but it comes on a lot!

"Your my clarity." He flirted. "Hey your flirty really doesn't work it's kind of cheesy no offense.'' I lie well about the no offense part, I wanted it to offend him. He rolled his eyes and we drive off to the mall.

Nick's P.O.V

A great song came on, called glad you came. "You would look well on me." I scoffed as the singer sang that. I liked her and all but she's just a dare and I need to remember that!

Once we arrive at the mall the first store she wanted to go in was forever 21. I could tell this was going to be the longest date of my life.

Pretty much the only reason this date is happening is because Conner told me I had to go on five dates with her and have a make-out session with her. I honestly do feel bad for this.

Elissa's. P.O.V

The first outfit I decided to try on was a black dress with small flowers, it was sleeveless and came down to my thigh. I added a white cardigan the flowed down.

"Hey Nick, do you like th-" my words were cut off as he spoke up. "Wow that's amazing! Forget the others lets get that one and go, I'm going to take you some where special."

He says with a grin. Uh oh whenever he says that to a girl they usually end up in his room.

Once we check out he grabs my hand and pulls me away. Next thing you know we are standing in front of the cupcakery. I was given a vacation since Erny's death.

"I really Don't want to." I say.

''just come on." He says eagerly.

When we walk in I see Aaron. She gives me a death glare when she see's who I'm with. I don't know why they hate him so much I mean he's not that bad of a guy once you get to know him.

"I'll take a raspberry nut." Nick tells the Aaron. "And I'll have the banana cream pie.'' I say shyly worried of what Aaron might say.

Nick looks at my like I had twenty heads! "You actually like that slop?" He rudely says. "Hey this was Erny's favorite!" I snap.

"That will be $13.50." Aaron says.

Nick hands her the money and she snatches it from him. She hands us our cupcakes.

"Thanks." Nick says taking them.

"Whatever." Shes says and goes away.

After we finish our delicious cupcakes , it was time to go, we had to get ready for Erny's funeral.

Nicks P.O.V

"Hey Elissa, I had a lot of fun with you today." I tell her as we were drive to her house. I wasn't lying either.

I left my funeral clothes there so we could change and leave.

"Hey so did you hear about the end of the year party Samantha is throwing at the lake, we should go!'' I say.

"Um, I don't know." She says.

"Hey, this will be your first party. We're going." He says.

"Fine." She answers.


I look down and see Conner's name across my phone

Conner- Hey dude how was the "date?"

Me- Dude I don't know if I can do this, I'm starting to feel bad.

"You really shouldn't text and drive." Elissa lectures. I roll my eyes at her statement.

Me- I got to go.

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