A pinch of detention

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Elissa's P.O.V

"Ms.Walker, I asked you a question!" Said Mrs.Bartle, the meanest teacher ever in 11th grade.

I had zoned out because I was thinking about Nick. This time yesterday he would be the last thing I would have thunked about. Wait no he wouldn't even be on my thinking list!

"Um sorry can you repeat the question?" I asked. I was an honors student and Erny would be disappointed if I let it go.

"Name anything from the periodic table!" She said sternly. "H2O." I answered. Without saying anything else the bell rung. "Great." She mumbled sarcastically. "Have a horrible day." She called out to us, but it was obviously directed to me. "Same to you Mrs.Bartle!" I hollered back.

"Ms.Green, come here right now!" Mrs.Bartle shouts making me instantly regret talking.

"Yes." I say scared to death!

"Whats wrong with you today, you've been acting...different." She says.

"No I haven't, I'm fine! Now can I go?" I say whining.

"Absolutely. You can go. Down to detention for the rest of the day." She says as she writes on a little note.

"No! I mean, I' sorry it will never happen again just please don't give me detention. I'm begging you, I've never had detention before." I plead.

"Well, lucky you, you just won yourself a free ticket there, have fun." She says and hands me the note.

My whole future is ruined. Now when my kids get detention I can't get that mad at them, because I just got it!

I walk down the hallway in shame, as everyone is happy and talking about non-detention related stuff.

Once I reached the door to detention, I was shaking! Like literally, if i had to pour a glass of juice right now only 2% would make it in the glass!

As I enter the class everyone turns around and stares at me. As I stare back my eyes lay on someone..someone I've been thinking about all day for some reason. Someone I hate, I think.

"Hey." He says and smirks at me.

"Hello Nick." I sigh and take the only seat left. "Seriously out of all the seats the one next to you is the only one empty!" I say frustrated.

"Yep." He says poping the P.

Suddenly Nick turns around to face another girl. Not that I care or anything. So I turn around and see who I'm sitting next to.

"Hi." The short girl said shyly.

"Hi, my name is Elissa." I told her.

"Em." She smiled back. She looked as nervous as me, so at least I wasn't alone.

"Why are you here?" She asked. I explained to her what happened and she began to giggle.

"What about you?" I ask her back.

"Well ask Nick." She says quietly.

Suddenly I glared over to him, knowing he made my new friend get detention.

Nick turned around and Em quickly dashed to the back of the room asking to switch places with this creepy kid. Great, thanks Nick.

"What did you do!" I snap at him.

"I got caught with my tongue down a girls mouth, I think her name was...Em." He smirks.

I shuddered at the thought and turned away. How can someone be so careless, rude, disgusting, but hot! Like he would be my dream guy, if it weren't for his jerky attitude.

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