2 pints of happiness

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Elissa's P.O.V

I woke up this morning with a huge headache from crying. I decided to invite nick over, and he agreed, he's coming over In 15 minutes. I told him we could swim in my backyard so bring a bathing suit. Last time we had a swimming date we got to know each other better and it was nice.

I decided to wear a mint green bikini top that was strapless with black bottoms. I put my hair In a messy bun. The door rings and it's nick. I couldn't help but stare his abs, he was wearing blue swim trunks, and that's it. Like why wouldn't I stare at them?

"No one can resist looking at me." He boasts. I feel my cheeks flare up. As I lead him to my backyard I trip and fall over the carpet. I thought I was gonna have a big bruise on my butt, but I land in a pair muscular arms. I look up and see his amazing crystal blue eyes.

"Watch it clumsy!" He smirks. I roll my eyes as I get back on my feet. "Don't make nicknames jerk!'' I tell him. And we laugh my horrible comeback.

He was the first one to jump in. The water droplets glistened on his body. I can't help but imagine our body's colliding right now...if you know what I mean.

Snap out of it Elissa!

Suddenly I'm being pulled into the water. The water is perfect temperature not to cold or too hot.

"Thanks for cheering me up yesterday." I tell Nick trying not to think about the thoughts I had about him. He nods his head, translated means, your welcome.

Suddenly he traps me between his body and the edge of the pool. His breath sends shivers down my spine. Our eyes meet and his lips crash on mine. I liked the kiss, it wasn't a simple peck, it was long and passionate. I pull away. Did that really happen..did I just kiss the Nick Brown? Oh my gosh I just realized I'm dating the Nick brown!

Nicks P.O.V

"Hey I'm getting hungry." She says and pulls herself out of the pool.

"K, lets go to Jamba Juice." I tell her and get out behind her. When she turns around to dry off I notice her butt, and I mean I can't help but stare.

She turns around...and catches me.

"Nick!" She squeals embarrassed and turns around to hide her butt from me.

"Elissa." I mock her in my best girl voice.

"Come on, lets walk." I tell her.

"I can't go in this." She says motioning to her bikini.

"Why?" I ask. I mean I wouldn't mind staring at her body the whole way. And it'll take her like thirty minutes to change.

"Because, It's inappropriate. Now I'll be down in a second." She says.

"One...Opps your times up." I say crossing my arms.

"Ha ha." She says in monotone, while sending me a death glare.

Once we're inside she runs upstairs.

After about thirty seconds I get bored and decide to walk upstairs.

I see a letter "E" on a door and assume it stands for Elissa, so i go in.

I see her turned away but her tops off. He back looks so smooth and I just want to grab her right now and do here!

She's already put on pants..dammit.

She turns her head.

"Oh My gosh! Nick! Get out." She says and doesn't look like she's joking. Thats the first time a girl's ever said that to me...

"You can't make me." I say and cross my arms as I lay against the wall.

"Whatever." She gives up and hooks a pink lacy bra. Wow, I wanna be the one to unhook that.

"Okay, lets go." She says once she throws on a shirt.

"I'll have a Strawberry Banana smoothie." Elissa tells the cashier once we arrive.

"Same." I say and toss her my money.

She looks up at me and starts off with a glare, but once she see's me she practically starts drooling. Who can blame her if i were a girl..mmm...the things I'd do to me.

"Thanks for paying." Elissa says as we start to walk home.

"No problem, you owe me though. How about I get to see you turn around without a bra on next time?" I tell her and smirk.

"Ha, sure." She says.

"Really!" I say getting way to excited.

"No you idiot!" She giggles. I've never really heard her giggle, and its pretty cute. Ew I just said cute...

"Hey is that Nick?" Someone shouts from a car.

"Yeah and he's with that girl he was holding hands with at school!" Someone else shouts from that car. Oh gosh.

"Come on, walk faster." I whisper to Elissa. Thankfully there was traffic so they couldn't pull over.

"Who was that?" She asks.

"Probably one of my dares...I mean ex's." I say. She gives me a disappointed look.

"I have a question." She says.

"Yeah?" I answer

"Why do y'all do dares?" She asks.

I pause. I can't tell her the real reason, thats between me and the guys. Its personal.

"We just were horny teenage guys who decided to satisfy our needs as well as getting paid in the process." I lie.

"So, your pretty much a prostitute." She says, summing up my fake explanation.

"Well...No...well..." I say knowing thats pretty much what she thinks we do.

"Well you've hurt a lot of people." She says.

"I know. But I promise not to hurt you." I lie. I'm gonna hurt her at the end of this month.



Hi guys, I'm so sorry this chapter was short, but I had severe writers block!

So I'm planning on doing 20+ chapters for this book and then doing a sequel!

So if you have any ideas for a name for the sequel please help me😁

Also I need help with chapter names, so if you have any suggestions then comment down below :)

Tell me whatcha think of this chapter!


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