A blended vacation

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Elissa's P.O.V

So we've been out of school for 3 weeks now and me, Aaron, and Liz decided to take a vacation to the bahama's!

Me and Liz made up a while ago, as I cried in their arms and ate chocolate fudge chunk Ice cream.

I turn on my radio to 106.1. My favorite song, stay with me, was on. I start to dance around my room as I sing along.

"Oh won't you stayyy with me! Cause you're all I neeeddd." I sing completely off pitch.

I grab my suitcase and start to throw everything and anything I see in. I open my closet and look for clothes to last me two weeks. As I push throw my clothes I spot the dress I bought with Nick.

"It looks perfect forget the other ones!" Nick says.

Ha that was probably a lie to...

Once I finish packing everything I get out my phone and call Aaron.

"Hey." I say when the ringing stops.

"Hey girl! I just picked up Liz and we're coming to get you know." She says and I hear Liz say hey in the background.

"Yay, I'm so excited. I bought all my bikini's and I can't wait to see those hot guys on the beach." I say imagining meeting a random guy a falling in love.

Aaron chuckles

Honk honk.

"Hey someones honking outside my house." I say.

"Well thats weird" Aaron says.

I look out my bay window and see Aaron's silver Toyota.

"Really." I say with annoyance.

"Yass boo! Now hurry up and get out here!" Aaron beams and honks again.

I grab my bags and lock the door

"I'm so excited!" Liz beams as she playfully hits me.

"I can't believe we get a resort right on the beach!" I squeal.

"I know right! Like thank goodness our parents paid." Aaron giggles.

"I also can't wait to see some hot bod's." Aaron says referring to almost every surfer.

"I'm just looking forward to spending some girl time." Liz says and I wrap my arms around both of them.

"Hey and they have some awesome malls down there!" I add.

"Then lets gooo!" Liz says and points forward.

Liz's P.O.V

It took me a while to forgive Elissa but I'm glad I did. They day we all became friends again, we had a bug fight and let everything out.

We told each other what we think they need to change in order to provide for this relationship, apparently I need to be more understanding and patient, Elissa needs to be more open to suggestions and needs to listen to the modo hoes before bros, and then Aaron needs to just calm down...

"Guys we only have 4 minutes!" Elissa screams as we reach the airport.

"Come on!" I say.

"Hurry." Elissa grunts.

"I'm doing the best I can!" Aaron says and she falls behind every five seconds because she trips in her heels.

"2 minutes!" I say as we earn strange looks from people in the airport.

With 30 seconds to spare we make it on time

"Tickets, please." A flight attendant says.

We give the lady our tickets and get on the plane.

We catch our breath as we finally get to sit down.

"Okay, let's see who we're gonna be riding with." Aaron Says.

We roll our eyes across the people. My eyes landed on a familiar person with another familiar person.

"No way!" I heard Elissa mumble, I guess she see's what I see.

I looked over at Aaron and her mouth is hung open.

The person we're looking at turns around and fixes his eyes on us, and then his eyes grow big.

We all quickly turn away.

"That can't be him!" I say in shock. "It is.'' Aaron added.

"It..it..it's Nick." Elissa spits out.



Sorry this chapter wasn't that excited but trust me the next one will be much more...

Heres a sneak peak preview...

"You told me I was just a dare!" She snapped at me. "I was mad and you kept bugging me please just forgive me." I begged. I'm not usually a guy to beg for a girl back, but Elissa meant a lot to me.

Dun. Dun. Dun

Tell me whatcha think!


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