8/9 pints of romamce

475 21 10

Elissa's P.O.V

"Come here." Nick says as I make my way to his bed.

"Your gonna have the best night of your life." He says as he pushes my down and starts making out with me, harder than usual.

"N..Ick." I say but just go back to his lips, i can't stop.

He starts unbuttoning my shorts. And pulls them off revealing a pair of red lacy underwear, which I didn't even know I had.

He then pulls my top off revaling a matching bra, and I do the same to him but i remove everything If you know what I mean.

We turn around and now I'm on top of him still in" my undergarments.

"Time for these to come off." Nick says as he slips his hand down my underwear.

"Elissa?" Aaron asks shaking me waking me from my dream.

"What!" I yell with tired all in my voice.

"It's ten, you never sleep in this late." She says.

"You woke me from my dream!" I yell.

"Well sorry, but i mean...wait was It a...sex dream!" She beams jumping next to me.

"Oh my god! You have a sex dream about Nick! You dirty minded freak...I'm so proud!" She says clapping her hands.

"I shouldn't have woken you!'' She says.

"But Nick and the guys want us to go to breakfast with them so get ready...and dress hot for your sex mate." She says.

"Shut up, and don't mention this!" I say sternly.

I notice Liz is being quiet, so I look over at her, and she's starring deep into her phone with her teeth sunk into her lip.

"Liz, who ya texting?" I ask her. But she doesn't head me.

"Liz!" I yell and throw a pillow at her.

"What!" She asks pissed off. I laugh.

"Who ya texting over there?" I ask knowing its some guy.

"My mom." She says and goes back to texting.

"Oh yeah, cause we all text our mom's while we bite our lip.

I look over at the time.

"Guys, we got to get ready." I say and rush to the bathroom.

"Okay, lets go." I say once we are all ready.

"Hey." I say once we reach the hotels breakfast area.

"Hey." Nick says shyly.

"Someone had a wet dream about you last night." Conner says to me. I rub my arms and my face starts getting hot.

"No way!" Liz says, and I know what she's about to do.

"Elissa had one about Nick too!" Liz beams.

Conner starts to laugh way to hard.

Honestly all I can think about is that dream.

"Well, um, me and um, the guys are going to a drive in movie for World War Z, and you guys can come." He says, why does everything he says sound so dirty.

"Yeah if course we'll go, but just remember if you guys decide to do it in a car, please don't do it in mine." Aaron says making me blush.

"K well be ready by 8!" Nick says and we eat our food.

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