This was just a random Q&A (Chapter 21)

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~~Lilly's PO.V~~

"Vikk...." I couldn't think of what to say.. "Why does that matter? The thing that matters is us, right now."

"My point is I think you still like him!" He said, upset. I almost cried myself, my vission went blurry. "You think that?!"

He sighed "Kinda..."

"Well, I don't! And I don't want him in my life anymore! And if you think I'm using you to make Lachlan jealous, I'll leave. The person I love, won't love me back, well, what do most people do?"

He looked at the floor. Silent.

"Yeah, exactly. Want me to go, I'll go!" A stray tear rolled down my cheek before I quickly wiped it away, standing up

"There is a suggestion I have..." I sat back down. "If I kissed you, you could see if it was real or not."

He smirked, blushing a little. I got closer to him, he cupped my cheeks, before melting into the kiss.
"Believe in our love now?" I asked.


"Hey Vikk--- Woa I'm sorry.... I uhh.. what did I just whitness...?" Ethan came in, me and Vikk pulled apart, blushing like mad.

"Uh-uh....." I blushed a deep red.
"I think I'll umm... Leave you to it..." He closed the door again. We looked at each other, blushing awkwardly.


"Cuddly mood today, eh?"

"Yeah..." I leaned on his shoulder.
Then thoughts came to me




What if he doesn't love me?

What if he leaves me. Breaks my heart?

I'll be broken.

What if something happens to Vikk, Simon, Harry or anyone?!

What if I'm putting them in danger?

No Lilly. You are putting them in danger..

"Hey." Vikk waved his hand infront of me "What were you thinking about?"

I sighed, staring at the wall. "Oh just stuff.." I could feel warm, silent tears roll down my cheeks.

He hugged me "It's okay, you're safe now." He squeezed me tughter You're with us. We are going to protect you."

I smiled a bit. He can make all my worries go away. And that's something I really love about him.

"Anyway, lucky we have a week off school, eh?" I asked.
"Definitely! It's so stressful."

//The next day\\

Please don't wake up please don't wake up--

I rubbed the back of my head, getting my phone. 9:46am okay, I guess not too bad with my messed up sleeping schedule.

"Guys..?" I say, going into the kitchen.

We've gone out, didn't want to wake you. Eating out if that's okay x

Welp, that explains it. Its a bit early though?

"Hi." An unfamiliar voice said

"Jesus Christ, don't do that! What are you trying to do, give me heart attack?" I asked.

He laughed "Um... Not really."
He was avarage height for age I think he's as old as JJ.

"And you are..?"

"I'm Cal. And you must be Simon's sister?"

"Yep, because that's my name." I said sarcastically.

"Well, don't suppose you have a channel, do you?"

" Maybe I do, maybe I don't."


" and my friend down the hall, is Cal. And he never uploads.
"Hey, I done a video saying why I don't upload!"


"Calfreezy." The first Cal I spoke to said.

"Callux." The other Cal said.

I searched them up okay so this guy gets called a lot of different names teehee
"At least I know you aren't just fans who broke in"

"Hey guys, its Lilly here and today we have surprise visitors, Cal and Cal." I pointed the camera at them, then back at me. "Alright! Welp, imma need different names for two Cals and I've decided on them.." I looked at freezy

"oh come on isnt Calfreezy fine??" He complained.

I giggled "Nope! And it's drum roll.... Calsqueezy!"

lux laughed. "And now your turn." I span on my heels and looked at him
"Cal-who-never-uploads! Lux for short because I'm nice."

Calsqueezy laughed "I fucking hate you already." Calsqueezy glared at me. "Aww, I'll grow on you. Even if I would dare to prank you." We all sat on the sofa.

I got my phone out.
Send me and the two Cal's some questions with the *make up your own hashtag because I can't be assed*

"Lilly, any idea why my notifications are blowing up?" Calsqueezy asked
"Yeah. Same for me..." Cal said.

"Hey Calfridge, wanna do a q&a?" I asked, setting up the stuff in my room.

"Hey guys its Lilly and today I'm joined by these two pricks, Cal and Squeezy.

Girl In Pieces (Vikkstar, B1)✔️ Where stories live. Discover now