Thats It?! (Chapter 38)

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~~Lilly's P.O.V~~

I threw my bag in the corner of the room.
"Lilly?!" Harry called, coming down the stairs.

"What?" I shouted

"You made me take you to Gernsey to see a guy who later on does this?! My sister was there, dying, and you were just there to play make up!?" He pushed me "fuck you Lilly, yeah?! Selfish, don't talk to me!"

"Woa, you two, what's going on?!" Simon shouted

"Why don't you ask him?!" I shouted, almost attacking him

"Lilly!" Simon held me off "You seriously have a problem!!"

"..You'd pick Harry over me now?!"

"Harry doesn't fight people..." He took a breath

"Fine, want me to go I'll leave your fucking lives too!"

I ran into my room and quickly packed my bag, keeping my knife in my hand for two reasons, I have wrists and self-defense.

Vikk also took Harry's side.
I left without eating

"Lilly! Please, don't go!" Josh ran up to me.
"No. I will! They all picked him over me.. It's time for me to go, apparently I'm in the wrong here!!"

"But you're not."

"Exactl-- wait why are you on my side?"

"Tobi and I agree with you. It's not your fault. You didn't do anything. How were you supposed to know he'd do this?"

I woke up by a tree outside. Great. Alone. Again. "No, again! I will not hurt any of them!" The familiar voice said

"Think of all the cash. The girl doesn't even like you anyway!"

"No, I just won't!"

I saw the two figures. And one ran. Ran in my direction, actually.

"Woa, miss are you oka-- Lilly?!" Mitch asked with a concerned tone.

"Mitch!!" I hugged him tight. "I've been happy to see you before but I've never been so happy to see you before in my life!!"

"Thanks I guess? Is this because of Brayden?" He asked, hugging back
"No.. Vikk, Harry and Simon.."

Vikk💕:What Josh sent you is a lie ok? It's edited Xxxxx

Me: ? He didnt sent me anything?...

Vikk💕 has been changed to Vikk

Vikk..: oh Shit... Don't believe if he sends you a video baby Xx

"Vikk texted me acting really weird,"
I showed him "oh, that is weird. I can't believe he picked Harry over you--"

Josh sent you a video message

"Its from Josh."
"Play it. Lets see what Vikk meant."

"Hey Vikk-"
"What do you want Josh?"
"Would you really pick Harry over Lilly?! Harry's the one who started it."
"And he didn't attack her. Is she gonna attack me if we have a fight? She might be dangerous."
"I thought the promise ring was to be at each others side no matter what? She's outside in the cold, alone! Maybe with some other guy."
"I'm just mad at her right now. I can't deal with it."
"Tobi and I are with her, but she's more hurt you and Simon are not helping her!"
He looks at josh with his phone recording "no I didn't mean it I just--"
"And sending..."

I asked Mitch if he could come with me to get my stuff, he agreed and said I could stay at his as long as I need. I picked up my bag and knife "Why do you have a knife?!"

"Chill. It's only for self-defence.. And you came before I had chance. " I frowned.

"Good! That's good! "

"Wait here, " I said to him as I walked into the house. It's about 7pm so most of the guys will be in their rooms. Or so I thought.. "What are you doing here?!" Harry snapped.

They were all watching a movie. "Collecting my stuff. I know I'm not wanted."

"Yep." Harry shot back

I got all my stuff, and as I was walking down the stairs I took my ring off. "Not gonna say anything before I leave, Vikk?" My heart was racing.
He stayed silent. "Well, last words to you Vikk, there's 2. we're through!" I thew the ring at the wall.

"Tobi, Josh, if you wanna talk come in the kitchen quickly, before I'm completely kicked out." At this point everyone was in a state of shock with the 'perfect couple' breaking up. I swollowed the lump in my throat and went to the kitchen. "Ethan's with you too.." Josh stepped in.

"I-I'm gonna miss you all.." I hugged Tobi, Ethan and then Josh.

"Where are you staying?" Ethan asked

"Are you going to be safe?" Josh asked me concerned

"I spoke with Calfrozen if you wanted to stay there at any time, Cal agreed too." Tobi assured me

"Guys! I'm fine, Really..I'm safe, yes, I'm staying with Mitch. And I would love to catch up with the 2 Cal's, tell him I'll see him at 9." I hugged them all one last time.

"Vikk's lost one special girl." I heard Josh saying to the others "Oh, also, Lilly, I'll inform you if JJ's with you too."

"Thanks." I reply, bluntly.

"Make yourself at home. Where's your ring gone?! You never take it off.." Mitch said to me, putting my bag in the room I'm staying in.

"You really think imma stay with Vikk after this?"

"Oh, right, yeah, sorry."

"Do I tell my fans?"

"...Up to you" he looked at his phone distracted

"What? "

"look on twitter.. "

Zerkaa: so sad to see you go..

Ethan: seriously gonna miss that girl..

Callux & Calfreezy: finally gonna be seeing Lilly soon.

Vikkstar123 x3 tweets:

oh well. It is what it is. 1hr

Get over it. 55min

when you know you've fucked up... 5mins

Harry: so much for "best friends" 1hr

JJ: just been caught up on everything, this is seriously fucked up. 5min

Tobi x2: seriously, the world is so crazy.. 45min

You threw her away like she's nothing. As if she wasn't hurt enough. 10min

I love them..

Girl In Pieces (Vikkstar, B1)✔️ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora