High School Sucks (Chapter 1)

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Shout out to Miki for making the cover of this book💕

~~Lilly's P.O.V~~
Just my luck to get moved to a new school again for being accused wrong isn't it? (YUP!) What? Was it my fault the stupid girl blamed me?! It's self-defense!

She had her own little Possy. They all hated me, but everyone did at that school, and no doubt it'll be the same here. I just need someone to save me.

"Lilly Marsh?" The desk person asked

"Yeah?" I ask, zoning back into this hell labeled Earth.

"Go to class A1 you can have a tour by Mitchell Hughes. Math class, period 3" she said looking down at her paper.

"Thanks, bye." I rushed away as quickly as I can. I try to have as little social time as possible.

~~magical time skip to lunch~~

I sat alone on a table as I knew it might end up as my last school.

"haha, loser!" I heard someone shout at a cute decent-looking guy as she knocked him to the floor. Crap did I call him cute?

I couldn't take it anymore, all the torture. I know what it is like and it's the worst.

"Back off him, what the fuck did he do to you?!" I shouted in her face.

"Names Caitlin, bitch! We do not have time for stupid nerds like you and Vikk!" She scoffs, glaring at him disgustedly.

"Well if you beat him up again, things won't get pretty. Got it?" I said intimidatingly, holding her by the collar.

"W-well I..." She stuttered.

"That's what I thought, bitch" I remark

"I'm not scared of you!" She snarled in my face as she slapped me, hard. It was just like her.

I punch her in the stomach in return and swiftly walked away.

"W-wait!" A voice shouted. I stopped and peered behind my back

"May I help you?" I asked annoyed at that event. I may hate interacting with humans, but I use the little bit of faith I have in humanity to help people.

"Thanks for standing up to Caitlin for me. No one ever has. And can you even believe that she has a boyfriend?!" He said.

"Haha, good joke" I said until a long pause and I realise he wasn't joking "Oh wait you're serious?! Wow feel sorry for him." I laughed.

"Don't be. He's... as bad as her" he said and I stand there, stunned. "Do you... want to sit with me and my friends?"

"Guys this is Lilly." Vikk said to a table of guys, and the girls cuddled up to them I presume is their girlfriends. He probably has one too... too bad I'll never have that.

"Vikk we told you we don't want people from Caitlin's group we've discussed this!" Who, I suppose, is one of Vikk's friends.

"Um, do you mind maybe backing off a little?"

"Ethan, leave her alone, she stuck up for me in front of Caitlin, no one ever has the guts to do that." Vikk remarks. So not even his friends will stick up for him?

"Take a seat, new girl" another one of his friends say, and I plop myself next to Vikk. He introduced me to the boys, after talking for a bit "Lilly this is Simon, Josh, Ethan, Tobi and Harry." Vikk explained to me. They all waved except Simon, he just stared.

"Well nice meeting you guys! But Imma head off now." I started to walk away and walk outside, no idea where I was going, but that was a lot of people and it's a little overwhelming. Of course, I did not say that, but it is true.

"Can I help you, Vikk?" I asked, knowing it was him. (It was more of a lucky guess, if I'm honest)

"Number! Er, I mean, can have your number?" He stumbled. I'm shocked, no one ever likes to talk to me, unless they are forced to. "Sure!" I reply, a little stunned.

"Wow for all I know you could be an axe murder" he jokes

"Oh? Then why ask for my number ya noob" I remark

"Fair point.." we laughed together in unity.

I broke the small barrier of silence as the end of lunch bell went.
"See you later, Vikk! Now I have English. Any advice who to sit with?" I asked him.

"I think Lachlan is in that class, if he is, then him. Good luck, you'll need it!" He says, half-jokingly (which is kind of frightening)

"Thanks. Byee, Vikk!" I said to him, cheerfully.

"Ah, you must be the new girl, Lilly?" Ms. Rebels asked, looking straight at me "do you know anyone in this class?"

"Is Lachlan in this class?" I whispered to her. She pointed to an empty seat next to a blonde hair and baby blue eyes. Why was he sitting alone? She pointed to a seat next to two other people but I wasn't listening I just sat next to Lachlan.

"Er hey..why didn't you sit with someone popular or good looking?" He whispered to me.

"You are good looking but alright."

"Lachlan stop talking!" Ms. Rebble shouted.

"Sorry miss." He muttered.

So instead I wrote:
"I asked Vikk who to sit w/ he said Lachlan. And you seem cool, I see why Vikk likes you and man does that teacher hate you? xD sorry dood."

He wrote back,
"Ayyyy, I knew I could rely on ma boi Vikky."

We had to communicate like this for the rest of class, seeing as the teacher hated his friggin' guts. We exchanged numbers and hopefully I will see him again.

Girl In Pieces (Vikkstar, B1)✔️ Where stories live. Discover now