Oh Brother (Chapter 9)

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~~Lilly's P.O.V~~
//one week later\\

My mum is now working for a very rich company, she's starting to not only neglect me but sometimes hit me... I don't tell Vikk this, I know he'd flip. I cry myself to sleep if my mum's not here. If she was, she'd most likely get more and more stressed and mad at me.

I had my headphones in as usual if I'm not coming school with Vikk.
"Well well well look who we have here? A bitchy slut with a rich mom!" Lauren shouted in my face. Yup nope, still bullied. Greeeaaat. Just fucking great! Wait--- Lauren? Lachlan.. Why isn't she with Lachlan? Whatever. I walked to mine and Vikk's area by the tree.

~~Simon's P.O.V~~

"Josh no, I can't!" I argued

"Simon, you have to tell her sometime dude! I even think that Vikk might tell her, since he's pretty much falling head over heels for her" Harry butted into our conversation. To be fair, we were talking considerably loud.

If he does. I'll be pissed. But he wouldn't do that to me... right?
"Thank you, Harry!" Josh says.

"At lunch, I'll tell her! I shouldn't give in to peer pressure, and I would hate to admit it, but they are right.

~~Lilly's P.O.V~~
I sighed, walking to The Sidemen table. I managed to pull off a pretty good fake smile, well I think it was good as they seemed to buy it, I got a suspicious look from Josh, after a while he decided it was 'genuine'.

"Hey cuties, and well you." Cheryl gave me a disgusted look. Of course.

"Anyways..." She said all sweet, sucking up to them. she does this, then flutters her eyelids. It's annoying she giggled "you guys wanna come to the EPIC party of the century? Just..no creepy loners allowed, invite anyone else, but.. her" I was about to loose it when someone else did...

"Look bitch, you have the courage to come over here and call our close friend And my... my..." Simon stuttered. His what? I felt my strength get weaker and weaker. Whatever. I pushed it down, ignoring it as best as I could, just focusing on the confusion of the situation. "Your what?!" Cheryl scoffed.

"My... sister" he stood up moving closer to her "Lilly's my sister, so I suggest you leave us, and her alone." I gasped. I was so confused. I was tempted to run away. He can't live alone, surely...he can't live with dad! Dad lives in Canada! Or... so mum said. She has been going on 'late night business stuff' yeah right, I bet she met up with dad behind my back. My God! How am I only finding this out now?!

Back to Vikky's P.O.V~~
I stayed quiet before clearing my throat. "You looked tired." I examined the dark bags under her eyes. Thank god she hasn't asked about her dad, yet.. it's only matter of time before she'll mention it. Her family is so complicated and messy. I wish I could help, or said something sooner. Everything was so good between us!! I swear, if this messes everything up again I'm going to be so upset. She doesn't deserve this.

I looked her in the eye, it killed me to see the hurt in her eyes. I can read people, and I really don't like seeing people hurt, especially not my friends! And certainly not my best friend

I see her smiling and blushing as we walk, her cheeks getting a darker shade of pink as we contiue to talk. It was so cute-- No, Vikk! You can't love your best friends sister! Would Simon mind though? Of course he would!

~~time skip of laziness~~
I lied her down on her bed, she fell asleep earlier.

She started to wake up, I got out of the chair and looked at her. She came up to me and hugged me. I was surprised but hugged back. "Oh, hello then" I chuckled. She smiled, closing her eyes again.

"Vikk you should leave, go back to school." She mumbled into my chest.
"Nah, I'll stay with you." I looked down at her.

She sighed "I just need sometime alone. To think."It took me a second, but I know there is no chance I am leaving her. "I'm staying here with you."

"I'm not going to leave you. Not again, you don't deserve it. Ever."

Girl In Pieces (Vikkstar, B1)✔️ Where stories live. Discover now