You need to help yourself to be fixed (Chapter 36)

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~ Lilly's P.O.V ~

After trying to comfort Harry going to the hospital. He hasn't acted the same..

"She looks worse! Look how pale she is!" He sighed

"I'm sorry, but we might have to take her off lifeline..."

"No! You can't do that! There is a chance my daughter will make it and I am not taking my chances if she may make it!" Mum argued
So they did.
They listened

"I'm sorry Harry, I have to go back, call me straight away if you need me" I say

"JJ!" I ran up and hugged him. It'd been too long. "How've you all been?" I asked

"Yeah, we've been doing okay. I wouldn't say Vikk has been the best, missing you.. pulling through through."

"I'm home" I walk to Vikk's room

"Lilly!" Vikk hugging me tightly "Don't ever leave me again. Okay?"

"Alright." I kissed him and looked "if you want me to live I need to breathe!"

He laughed and let go of me "sorry"

After getting most of my stuff unpacked which practically took 3 hours of not finished it's 4. I decline the offer for food. I wasn't hungry.

I layed on my bed with my notebook, trying to think of ideas to help Harry. I got so frustrated in the processes I'm trying to decide is it worth it but then he is my best friend so... Ugh! I threw my notebook on the floor, hitting the corner of the wall. I ran my hand through my hair.

"Hey Lil-- what happened??" Vikk came into my room.

"I don't know how to comfort him.."

He sat on the end of my bed. "Look. I can't help you til I know what happened to Harry."

I exhaled "Abbie might die.."

"Oh god.."

"Yeah, There's nothing I can do can I? I'm useless."

"Sh. Sh. It's okay." He hugged me. "I wouldn't know what to do either. I don't think you can help him. I don't think it's up to us. I think he has to help himself. You're not useless. Who's the one who stopped me getting bullied and hit everyday? Made me believe in love? That I had a chance? Made me less shy? You. The beautiful lady in my arms. Who's made me so happy that words can't describe. If you didn't deserve this life you wouldn't be here. Now. Have you eaten anything?" Vikk asked

"I love you, how are you so good with words.." I looked into his eyes getting lost, finally coming back to reality "no. But I wouldn't mind some snacks whilst watching a film?"

We just watched a few films on Netflix in Vikk's room "Lilly..." He paused the video on his laptop, putting it away as the movie had pretty much finished anyway. "Can you promise that you'll never kill yourself..?

"Vikk, you have made me so much more happier that suicide isn't my way out of life. Telling me you loved me but only as a brother?"

"Oh yeahhhh I remember that. Yeah. Although I did lie. My mind telling me to tell the truth. My gut not wanting to ruin our friendship told me to stay quiet And that's exactly what I did. Sometimes I just feel like I don't fit in..."

"Don't fit in? Your friends love you as do I! Not only the Sidemen but Rob, Preston, Mitch ect."

"Yeah I know and you're right but.. don't worry."

Girl In Pieces (Vikkstar, B1)✔️ Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt