Where Does Trust Lie? (Chapter 37)

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~~ Lilly's P.O.V ~~

So Harry's back and apparently Abbie should be okay.

I layed on my bed bored as Fuck. It was a Friday. And it's a boring Friday. Lets hope Saturday is better.

I woke up at around 7am
Dad: can you maybe meet up at the local caf? I really want to talk and catch up. Such short notice but I miss you reply the time please.

Yeah, is 11am okay? Is it all day??

If everything goes well then yes :)

Okay. I'll get ready

I put my phone away and got dressed. None of the guys were up. Not wanting them to worry, I left a note on the kitchen counter
Hey guys, you're not awake whilst I'm writing this. Going out probably the whole day. See y'all later Xx. -Lilly

Knowing Vikk would probably wake up first, I left one on his bedside table.

I was kind of scared. I hadn't seen dad in a long time. But to my surprise he actually loved me. Unlike my hopeless mother..

"Lilly, it's been a while, how have you been?" He hugged me
Uneasily hugging back I said "Been worse. You?"

We sat down "So, what did happen with the baby then?"

I scoffed "Isn't he your baby? Mum said you r-raped her.."

"What?! No, I most certainly did not! I really didn't! What did your mum say?!"

"S-she said you drugged her..then...yeah.." I knew I looked on the verge of crying. I knew I felt like it too. "Simon believes you didn't though" He held my hand across the table

"I really didn't. Your mum..she left me devastated but I would never your mum used to sleep with a lot of guys.. Lilly, trust me, I am not the liar."

~~ Vikk's P.O.V ~~
I woke up to a note on my bedside table.

Don't worry Vikk, I'm out town, don't tell Simon, it's with dad. See you later. Xxxxxxx
Ps note on kitchen table too. -Lilly xx

Alright then, looks like I can grind some videos then.

I went to the kitchen to get some cereal. Seeing the note Lilly said about left on the kitchen counter.

I was still worried for some reason so I did text her.
Lilly how do I know someone didn't make you write that?? What if you've been kidnapped?? Xxxx

Lilly 😍💕 sent a video message: 'Hey Vikk, see, it's just me, myself and I anddd my dad say hey dad! "Hey dad!" Seee we're okay at the café Love you lots. Bye!'

As soon as there's a problem, text or call Xxxx

H2M you're first

~~ Lilly's P.O.V ~~
"Hey I know this might be a weird question but it's worth a shot, do you like football?" My dad's thick British accent asked.

I never understood how I got this accent. Mum is very American and dad its extremely British. It's never made sense to me. But I've had the mixture of both. Taken after my dad a lot more though
"Like it, I love it!"

"Really? I knew Simon did. I have tickets to a game two more to be exact maybe you could ask him if he wanted to--"

My phone started ringing "Hello ... yeah ... Fine ... don't know how you guessed.."

"Who is it?" My dad asked

"Simon" I put my phone back to my ear

"Simon look it's fine! ... Yes, I know! But some people change! Mum never cared did she?! Well, dad actually does! ... okay! But you said yourself it was a lie." I hung up and sighed

"he's just trying to protect you. I wish he would forgive me..."

"He'll come through."

// Monday //

LillyPlayz: Sometimes it's better if some friendships don't last.

@TheCampingRush quoted your tweet: Subtweeting like always? Thanks. I'm not even the bad guy

@TheCampingRush Really? If you didn't say anything they wouldn't even know it was you.

@LillyPlayz oh really? Sure. Cheating liar I bet you don't even love @Vikkstar123

@TheCampingRush Call me a liar all the fuck you want, but leave my boyfriend the fuck out of your petty arguments, so stfu please:)

Yep. If you couldn't tell Brayden and I aren't friends anymore. We had a fight yesterday soo.

TheCampingRush mentioned you in a tweet: Watch this guys! Me saving Lilly from a fight!

That's it..my secrets out..
It's everywhere..
He told them..
I-I can't believe him

I went downstairs, after getting dressed, for breakfast.

Vikkstar123: @TheCampingRush you'd share that with the whole world? Yeah, how unlucky you're not friends anymore.

"Hey you okay? You look pale." Simon asked

"Yeah, I'm fine." I muttered.

"Had a fight with Brayden" Vikk said.

~~Vikk's P.O.V ~~

I guess Lilly didn't feel sociable today because she didn't sit at our table, she didn't take my wrist and drag me over to the secret spot.
No words where really spoken. She got a knife out of her bag, why the hell it was in there I do not know and I'm sure I don't want to

She started carving something into the wood "Um, Lilly what are you doing?"

"Hm? You'll see."

"LM + VB in a heart?" That's cute
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Girl In Pieces (Vikkstar, B1)✔️ Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora