Chapter 21: How did he know?

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Leelas pov:

How did he know my favorite movie was Pochantas. I hadn't told anyone because I didn't want to be geeky. I had became pretty popular and worked my way to the top. Then when I blamed the star of the football team of rape. I fell right back to an outcast. Just like in elementary school and then I met Stephanie and she tried to get me out but I refused I was afraid of seeing some one from high school.

If only they knew I was with this attractive muscle guy who had his arm over me. I leaned into him smelling his rosey scent which most guys don't have.  It's weird I smelt him in the first place I put my arms around his waist and laid my head on his shoulder. I don't know what has gotten into me but all my actions have been so natural and he smiled when I did it. I just wanted to hug him well not just hug him 😉 lol. I looked at him and squeezed him and said " I could stay like this forever."

I swear one second I don't know if he is my mate. Then the next I'm hugging and kissing him. I am so confusing he frowned. " We could but first, I am your mate I can read your thoughts and I knew you liked Pochantas secretly because I heard you say I hope he remembers I love Pochantas" he laughed and my mouth hit the floor. I turned my head and jumped on him causing him to fall back. He laughed. "No one knew that you are my mate I'm just scared but now I'm not."

At that point I knew if this was a game so be it. If he broke my heart oh well. I threw all my inabitions away. I kissed him with all my force. He pulled back and chuckled then said "Wow I could get used to that." I laughed and we kissed again. I couldn't believe the sparks I was feeling. I couldn't even watch the movie. I just kept looking at him his eyes also looking at me. As if he could see my soul. Then I knew I had always know secretly. At first this guy was someone in the past who tore my heart out who I got over. I remembered I had my bag so I took out some things and the last thing I had was my sketchbook. I drew him like I had done before so I could remember him if some how he did all this to get in my pants and I got my heart broken again. I knew I wouldn't get my heart broken. He looked over and I blushed "It's okay I'm drawling you right I used to have so many drawling I had such a crush on you my friends made fun of me. They use to throw my notebook around and I threw them all away except one and when people ask me who that is I would say it was a dream." He looked at me and said " It's fine but I'm sorry" he looked sadly. I smiled "No reason to apologize"

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