Chapter 8:Meeting him again

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As I walked outside there was a very buff guy sitting on a rock. He was across the street. The edge of the forest he looked tired. His shoulders were slumped and his hands on face. His eyes were closed I yelled hey. He looked across the street and his eyes were the bluest eyes I have ever seen I know I've seen them before. I had to get a closer look. I started moving across the street looking both ways.

Yes I definitely remember him. The white hair and blue eyes. He was pale and he had pointed ears. My heart fluttered "Do I know you?" He looked at me " I can't really see you but I can smell you and you smell familiar." I look funny people smell people that's weird. He got up and towers over me. "I know you what's your name? " He smirks " I want you to remember."

I think and his pictures keeps coming to my head I stutter out "'" he nodded " Hi Leela." But that stuff wasn't real I was young and believed in that stuff . He was an imaginary friend. " You didn't think I was imaginary" he pouted. "I thought I grew out of you." He said "Nope I'm still here ." I poked him he said "Are you trying to see if I'm real because I feel that."

I asked "Where have you been?" I said " I came here running away from bad humans. I became a warrior when my dad followed my moms death. All I had left was my sister and they were going for her because of her powers. I was just taking a break and look who I bump into my childhood friend." I smiled. " More like best friends." It's true over the two weeks he was there I told him more than anyone.

I hit him "That's for leaving me."I said. He then looked angry " I'm sorry I just don't believe it" I said and he said " That really hurt" I know it didn't because he fake pouted. He was strong and I wasn't. He's so hot. He said "Why thanks" I blush "How do you do that? " he said "That's my power" I look at his ears and then it's like my feet have a mind of there own. I hug him and I can't help how good it feels. When he bends down and wraps his arms around me . I feel tingles and so safe.

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