Chapter 10: The past

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*This is back to her if you are confused.*

As we walked through the forest. The trees were tall. I knew where we were going though. It was a place I went when I was stressed. My mom didn't even know where it was it was deep in the forest. There was no street or driveway to get to it. It wasn't really a house more like a shelter.

I had fixed it up it looked like it was going to fall apart if you blew on it. But I took out my hammers I wasn't very good with tools. But when I was an outcast I learned to use them. By watching multiple YouTube videos. I don't know why I didn't just live out here but I loved having Patrica as a friend. I did have a few accidents which I will not go into that. I also painted it a light blue color because it's my favorite color . I put a bed, a couch and a table.

The bed was fancy it was a pillow top and a queen. The couch was red to add a pop of color to the all beige walls. It was wood but I dry walled it and had my dad help me with it before he died . When my mom hit me that night she was drunk . I ran here until I got a job and got on my feet. Then I moved in with my roommate and we became close .

When we came to the house he said "Where are we?" I answered " My secret hideout." I kept thinking about my hand on his arm how buff and tall he had gotten. The tingles that went through my arm every time we touched. The tattoo on his arm that looked like a snake. He kept rubbing his eyes I said "Do they hurt?" I was genuinely concerned for my old friend.

I couldn't believe he was here. I thought he was an imaginary friend that what my mom told me. You'll grow out of it and after he left . I thought i'm older that's why he's gone. I missed him though I still had my old pictures of him. I looked at them everyday longing to be in his world of no pain. He said "Are you going to stare at the sky all day or let me in?" More teasing like. I was just thinking about why he left.

So many unanswered questions why was he here? Why now? Where was he all these years? I almost felt angry and I didn't know why. I said "Yeah sorry just thinking." I opened the door he walked in but then he bumped into the couch. "Ow" he hissed stubbing his toe on the corner of it. I said "Sorry let me help you." I linked arms with him and led him upstairs and sat us down on the bed.

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