"I don’t know. Come on. Come down." He gave me a small smile, as I reached for my dressing gown, that was lying on my bed. I wrapped it round, ensuring my wounded arm was hidden, as I followed my father down the stairs to where Guy stood waiting in the main room. He was waiting by the fireplace, as I glanced nervously at my father before crossing the room towards Guy. I know my father stood behind us by the table as he watched from a distance, which only made my slightly more nervous.

"Esme." Guy greeted bowing his head slightly out of respect as I made a small curtsy. Before I looked up at him, I would have preferred not to look at him in those pale blue eyes, but I did with a small smile as he smirked.

"To what do we owe the honour, Sir Guy?" I asked him with a hint of confusion in my voice as I watched as Guy began to pace nervously in front of the fireplace, every so often he glanced back at me and made a sound that he was clearing the throat.

"Today I am attending... I’m sure you would expect, as you yourself may also have the intention...But I thought, even so, that would not necessarily make my question redundant." He asked me nervously as I truly had no idea what it was Guy was asking me, as he looked at me.

"Attending...?" I asked him.

"The Sheriff ’s fair." He stated as if it was obvious as it suddenly dawned on me. Opps, today is the Sheriff's fair and normally there is an archery competition, I always loved watching it, especially if it is even matched.

"Oh." I responded before I waited silently, for what Guy was going to say next, except he didn't say anything as I bit on the inside of my lip.

"So what’s your answer?" He asked eager as I gave a small frown of confusion.

"Forgive me, Sir Guy, I do not yet understand the question." I asked with a slight chuckle, as I saw him sigh before looking towards the window before turning his gaze once back to me.

"I am inviting you to the fair as my personal guest." He asked, you could tell in his voice he was slightly nervous, as I shifted my weight to my other foot. I tried not to show it, but I was hoping to make up an excuse that would mean I didn't have to be his personal guest and that I could enjoy the fair, as a commoner. Even try and have a shot in the competition.

"I fear I wouldn’t be good company. I’m tired. I didn’t sleep well…." I tried to explain to him politely as he looked annoyed that I had rejected him. It wasn't a total lie, I wasn't sleeping at all well these days, and I am sure he could see that with the bags under my eyes.

"You’re declining my invitation?" He scowled as I went to protest before my father took a few steps forward to interven.

"Esme is delicate" My father told him as Guy just smirked slightly.

"I know that" He muttered under his breath as my heart gave an uncomfortable leap in my chest as I drew a cautious deep breath.

"She hasn't been sleeping well and she is…" He began before I gulped, I didn't need my father to accidently spill about myself being wounded.

"I would be honored Sir Guy. Thank you." I quickly replied with a smile, as he smiled at first before frowned slightly as if to try and comprehend if I was planning on being his personal guest or not.

"So you will come?" He asked me slightly confused as I smiled and nodded as he smiled and gave a sigh of relief.

"Good. It should be an interesting day." Guy started as he grabbed his coat and began putting it on over his shoulders. "The Sheriff is convinced that he’ll lure Robin Hood. He’s put up a silver arrow as a prize." He told us as I gave a small gasp, though no one noticed as we made our way towards the front door. SILVER?

"Silver?" My father asked shocked.

"Yeah, but it won’t work. Hood is delegating his crimes to lackeys now. I confronted one of them this morning." Sir Guy started to brag as I gulped slightly looking at him as if I was interested, when I really wasn't I just didn't want to look guilty.

"An outlaw?" I asked him innocently as he turned his head towards me.

"Or a disguised villager. I’ll find him. He is marked. I inflicted a wound to his arm. I was being kind. I should have killed him. Well, I’ll send a coach for you then. Good day.." Sir Guy told before he looked at me as I looked down. "My Lady" He added shyly as I gave him a small smile in return.

Every word that Sir Guy just spoke, my father was picking up the pieces and putting them together as I avoided his gaze. I knew right now that he had figured out how I was the NightWatchman.

"Sir Guy." My father spoke as he opened the door for Guy. Guy hesitated looking at me for a moment before he left as my father very quickly locked the door behind him, as he gave a sigh. He looked hurt and betrayed as I just gulped slightly where I stood.

"I think you owe me an explanation, young lady." He demanded as I sighed and rolled my eyes before I started to march my way back up the stairs towards my bedchambers with my father coming up the stairs straight behind me.

"It was you, wasn’t it?" He demanded.

"There are people starving. People whose men folk have died at the mine. Should we do nothing?" I defended as I could hear him growl behind me.

"You think you’re Robin Hood now?" He questioned as I scoffed, and closed my door. I leant my back against the door, shutting out my father, using my weight to ensure he didn't come into my room. I knew he stood furious outside my door, as I gulped slightly.

"Is that it? You’re in competition with Robin?" He shouted angrily as I flinched from behind the door.

"This is no competition. I’ve been helping people far longer than him." I snapped as I heard him mutter something under his breath. There was a silence between us as I stood against the door unsure on what to do next.

"How much longer?" His voice came like a whisper, an angry whisper full of venom as I glanced up at the ceiling before back at my feet.

"Three years!" I shouted with gritted teeth. I heard him sigh harder as it made my heart drop even further.

"I do not know you at all, do I?" He questioned. I could hear how betrayed he was from his words, as I couldn't say anything else. I heard his footsteps leave from behind my door, as I slid against the wood, until I was sitting on the floor. I kicked against the ground frustrated, I was angry that my father couldn't show me any support. That he wanted me to be some Lady who would marry, bear children. That isn't me! I need to be free, I need to have something to fight for. Maybe one day I will marry and have a family but I can't and won't now!

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