•Chapter Øne•

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Hakuna Matata means no more worries for the rest of your days•

I woke up with a stiff back but clicked it and it felt much better. I climbed out of bed and went to take a shower. I climbed out and wrapped a towel around my body and put my hair up in a messy bun.

I went into my room and changed into a Nirvana shirt with black skinny jeans, I let my hair down and of all the days it decided to be curly. I put a black beanie on and went downstairs. I made myself cereal without milk since I don't have any.

I grab my phone from the counter and slip on some black vans, I grab a plain black hoodie and slipped it over my head and grabbed my bag.

I walked to school and yet again another girl comes crying up to me for a 'Caylen' talk after school. I nodded and she was on her way back to her friends.

Friends wasn't I thing I had many of, I had friends in my own town in Hawaii but never made any here once i moved to San Antonio Texas.

I enjoyed my time alone since I got a lot of work done and wasn't involved in major drama of girls drooling over Jc.

Jc had nothing special to him, he would lead girls on and before then end of a week or two he would rip their heart out and throw it on the ground and would walk away, leaving the girl to clean up the mess.

I was the only girl out of out school he hadn't dated let alone talked to. I stayed away from him as much as I could even though we had three classes together; Music, math and English.

I walked into math just when the bell rung. I sat down at the back of the class like normal and watched the board and the teacher, writing down notes and answers to solve homework questions.

I was classified a 'nerd' by some people but really how cares I do my work and homework and get good grades, popular kids can do that too.

The lesson ended and I walked to my locker and shoved my books in there but alas my locker was slammed in my face.

"Hey." I heard none other then Jc fucking Caylen say as he leaned up against the lockers.

"Aloha, e hele aku." I smiled as confusion went across his face. If you're not Hawaiian I just said 'Hello, Go Away'

"Do you not speak English?" He said cocking an eyebrow up.

"I do now, e hele aku." I muttered rolling my eyes.

"If  e hele aku means come here, I'm right here baby." He whispered putting his hands on my waist.

"e hele aku , means 'go away' dumbass." I replied and stepped back. I am not gonna fall for this boy he'll just use me then leave me.

"You liked that didn't you?" He whispers again and puts his hands on my waist again but this time rubbing small circles on my bare skin, since he put his hands underneath my shirt and hoodie.

"No, I don't like it." I groaned and stepped back but this time walking away to my next class; Science.

We had to cut open and disinfect a frog which was horrible and disgusting. When the lesson ended we went off for Lunch. I went and sat outside and saw the girl who wanted to speak to me after school still crying.

I sat down underneath a tree and enjoyed the moments alone for a bit until someone blocked my sun time. I look up and roll my eyes.

"Don't do that princess, they'll get stuck like that." Jc smirked.

I got all my stuff and put it in my bag, I had taken off my hoodie moments before he came and shoved that into my bag as well.

"I couldn't care less." I said while walking away.

"Wait!" He called, grabbing my wrist and pulling me back.

"Yes Caylen?" I groaned.

"Well I need to talk to you about stuff and people say you're really good so can we talk?" He said this in a very serious tone.

"I can book you in tomorrow after school I already have someone booked today." I said.

"Cool, see you tomorrow then." He smiled before walking over to the group of football players.


"He just used me for sex! I truly thought he loved me!" The girl who's name was Jacki yelled as her green eyes were bloodshot and tear marks covered her cheeks.

"But I feel so bad because I turned down Jack Coleman.." She trailed off.

"Jack as in football player?" I asked while she nodded and wiped under her eyes again.

"Well tell him you're sorry and if he's still willing to try you guys out go for it! You'll be okay when you and jack date. He'll protect you from the other boys and tell them you're his girl and no one else's okay?" I smiled at how my speech turned out.

"You're right! I should! Thank you so much for your time Newiline!" She giggled and gave me a brief hug before walking to her car and driving away.

I picked up my belongings and started making my way back home.


I said hi to Ketchup and to Calum Hood who was my neighbor.

"She's a sweet thing Hood, don't let her go."

I walked inside and made myself some spaghetti, I sit down on my couch and start watching a random show. After I washed and dried my now empty spaghetti bowl I hear a knock at the door.

I place the bowl on the counter as well as the rag, I open my door and to my horror.

Its Jc.

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