Chapter seventeen

Start from the beginning

  "Guys... I cracked." I looked at Ronny wide eyed and saw her red face.

"WHAT?" we all screeched, reaching her and her face turned darker.

"That was sort of my way of telling Sawyer that I liked him. Now we're dating." she said and I smiled.

  "Goodness. Ronny be all up in Sawyers grill. Literally." I teased and she laughed. I sat back in my seat as we talked, and soon the boys came in the room, everyone but Dawson and Blaine. I ignored that and talked with them, then I went upstairs to the room and changed.
I went down to the training center, and I just started to run, sometimes I'd throw stuff, but mostly I'd run and be listening to music.

  "How are things holding up for you..?" I heard Sawyer ask and I looked o him, slowing my run to a complete stop.

  "Not in the best.. It's been a week and three days and, I just- Saw they let me see it. I was at the end of the second month apparently.. They told me that it finally started to take form of a baby. I saw it, and I just felt cold.." I said as I sat down on the blue running mat, bunching my legs up and shaking my head.

  "You.. You've been holding it together good though.. I see you smiling and laughing." he said as he sat beside me.

  "I've had nightmares since the day it happened.. I can't get it out of my head.. It, I wonder if it was going to be a boy or a girl..?" I closed my eyes and put my head in my hands.

  "You can't think like that.. You did what you thought was best." he said and I looked to him.

"If.. If I get pregnant again; I just.. I don't know if I have the strength to go do that again.." I said and he pursed his lips.

  "You can't think like that either.. Just make sure you're on birth control, and if it somehow does happen again.. Then we'll take it step by step ok?" he asked and I looked to him.

  "You're such a good friend Sawyer.." I hugged him and he wrapped his arms around me.

  " I know. I don't know what you'd do without me." he asked and I smiled.

  " I don't know either." I said and I heard the door open and close.

  Sawyer pulled away from me and stood, and Dawson glared at me as Sawyer left the room.

  "I thought you said nothing was going on?" he asked as he leaned against the thing closest to me, but it had a distance.

  "Nothing is going on?" I said as I stood up. He pursed his lips as he pushed off and came closer to me.

  "Then why were you hugging him on the mats?" he asked and I sighed.

  "He knew.. The whole time, he knew I've been sore, and that's what we've been fighting about.. He was protective of me, and I wasn't letting him be.. But we worked things out." I said and he came closer, relaxing slightly.

  He put his arms around me, and he put his face in my neck, kissing me.

  "Are you still sore..?" he asked and I bit my lip.

  "I don't think so.." I said and he pulled back.

  "Are you sure?" he asked as we already started to walk.

  Soon we made it to my room and I pulled my shirt off, bringing down my track shorts and he already had off his pants and shirt.

  He picked me up, making me laugh lightly, and he kissed my neck as he tore off my bra, sucking lightly and massaging the other.

  "Be gentle with me.. please." I said an he brought himself up, pulling back lightly, searching my face and then kissing my lips lightly.

"Of course.." he said lowly and he pulled off my panties. He pulled off his boxers and he put himself at my entrance.

"Are you sure baby?" he asked me like this was my first time ever doing anything with him, and I nodded.

I bit the crook of his neck as I fisted the sheets from the shear pleasure, and he grunted and kissed my jaw line, letting out his pent up frustration, and helping me with mine.

  "Guys, I absolutely cracked." I looked to Tristan and she looked to me.

"NO!" we both yelled.

  "We can not have a tie." Tristan said and I nodded.

  "When?" she asked and I smiled.

  "About at eight, and it carried on and on and on, all through the night. That's why we didn't come down for dinner."

"Are you serious? Ours happened at about eight, and it carried on for about three hours." she said and I slapped my forehead as we both laughed..

  "Fine, you get the-" we both cut each other off.

"No, You-"

"Dammit, Trist just take the damn title." I snapped teasingly and she laughed but shook her head.

  "I think that should go to the guys. I mean, all of us said that this time was the best." Trist said and I looked around.

"What are you girls talking about..?" Blaine asked as he walked in and we all froze. I looked to Abi and she had a red face.

"Umm.." was all she said.

  "It was all Ali's idea!" they all burst and I gave them a death look.

  "What was your idea? And what should go to us guys?" Sawyer asked as he walked in and Ronny slapped her forehead. Ty ran in and gave us a sheepish look.

  "Ty!" we all yelled as he took off running, Tristan and I chasing after him, chasing after him even after outside, and Tristan and I finally tackled him.

  The group followed us, and soon I got pulled off of Ty.

"What is going on!?" Dawson's voice boomed and I froze.


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