"Your the one on the bed not me sweetheart" I say and she bite her lip.

"Hey babe, I'm going to check out early, I got a date tonight with a hottie" I hear as Demi comes up and stand next to me.

"Okay I'll see you tomorrow, have fun but not too much fun. You need to be here tomorrow morning alert Demi" I scold and she laughs.

"You sure your not my mom because you sound like her. stop being so stiff sexy, you'll have cobwebs" she says slapping my ass before leaving.

"You and your girlfriend date other people while dating" she asks and I laugh until I see she's serious.

"We're not together, she's a big flirt with me. She's actually a good friend and I don't know, you have to ask her" I say and she hums.

"Any other questions Ms. Pierce" I say and thinks.

"What was her name, the girl who died" she says and I sigh while leaving. As I back out, I look up and say a name that burns my tongue.

"Jessica, but I called her Jessie"

I go to my house and get a few things seeing I'm probably staying there again. I get some comforters and pillows and some food to put in the fridge there and go back to the hospital. I make a comfy bed like thing on my couch while the food in the fridge and go back to work.

It's around 11pm when the hospital start to get really hectic and I try my bext to stay on top of all sections as best as I can. Me, puck, Mike and Sam of course are in charge of the ER. We go hard and quick at our job. At the end of the day, I'm beyond exhausted and it's 2am. I go to my office and do more work.

I leave my room and go back into the ER only for it to be my old bedroom. I frown as were in Lima Ohio and I look at my room to see I'm the age of 19.

"Santana are you even listening" my mother screams and I frown.

"Why do you choose to be so foul. You play around and drink and smoke and party. Your whoring around, sleeping with all those girls and now your telling us you drop out of college" she says while I stay quiet.

"On top of that, she killed us" my father screams and I cover my ears.

"I didn't kill you guys" I say and my father smiles.

"No you didn't but if you would have just stop playing doctor, I would be here right now or at least your father. selfish puta" she growls and I just sit on my bed and sigh.I hang my head and watch as two shoes appear in front of me.

"Go away " I say slowly and they don't move not even a little.

"Leave me the fuck alone" I say annoyed and immediately get tackled. I look up to see Jessica straddling me and smiling.

"Stop moping and being such a loser" she says and I laugh.

"We all make mistakes but you got to forgive yourselve" she says and I sighed.

"Look, you could have tried all you want but me dying was my fault because I refused to leave him. You didn't make me stay and you didn't beat me to death. Stop torturing yourself over this" she says while I start having watery eyes.

"I should've dragged you out of that house. I should've killed him something" I say crying and she smiles sadly.

"I would have went back and you would've been in jail. Both solutions don't help anyone. You need to make peace. I don't hate or blame you for my death, I never did Santana. You can't make a person do something they're not ready to do. I was the stubborn and selfish one, I wasn't thinking about how it would affect everyone......" She says and I'm crying silently now.

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