I became so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice that I was still punching the guy. It only occurred to me when I felt two arms pulling me off his body.

Fight! my instincts screamed.

I fought them off and continued punching him; it was because of all these emotions flowing through me. The pain, anger and deceit.

I stopped struggling immediately as I heard a shot fly past my arm and lodge in a wall. I looked up to see a man holding a gun to my head and the shock sedated my body. It was unconscious man's gun and it even had on a silencer.


I got off the man's unconscious body and stumbled back with tears in my eyes. The horror of what I had just done weighing on my shoulders.

"Luke, Luke you alright?" the stranger asked as he shook the man I was beating to death—Luke.

Luke nodded faintly gesturing for him to stoop before whispering something in the man's ear.

"Get him to a room and treat him," the man bellowed to a few other men that were here and I flinched as he looked at me.

The other men nodded and took Luke away leaving me with him and the gun. The man turned his attention to me. I must have been a sight to see, my tank top was drenched in blood, my hair was all over the place, my jeans ripped and my skin grazed all over.

"Come on puta," he said as he grabbed me by my hair and hauled me.

I grunted at the pain and lashed out as he pulled me towards the back of the shop. I kicked with all my might but try as I might it was useless, the more I kicked the more my hair hurt.

He passed four doors before he came to a black door. He then opened it and threw me outside. I fell at the feet of a tall man in a black suit and a nasty scar on the right side of his face before cowering back.

"Here, Jim. Have an extra one," the man that dragged me out the shop said as he faced the other man.

"Why the sudden generosity, Dillon?" Jim asked and I noticed he had a Spanish accent.

"Just revenge for a friend," he said as he looked at me disgusted and I shook my head.

"No. my husband is there, Br-"

"Shut up bitch!" he bellowed slapping me and I hit the pavement, getting disorientated.

"Fair enough," Jim said sounding lightyears away. "Grab her boys!"

Just then, two men grabbed me and I tried to fight their grips but I was too weak.

"Please, no! I didn't mean it! I want to see Brad!" I yelled but Dillon was already gone.

"Welcome to El clube noche, puta. You will fetch quite a price. Put her in," Jim said as the men brought me over to him and I shuddered.

"Hombres, cìerrate los puertos de camion," he yelled as they threw me in the truck back and locked the doors.

"Vamonos!" I faintly heard him say, as the truck started moving.

I sat up in the truck and looked around. It was dark but I could hear shallow breaths telling me I'm not alone.

"Where are we going?" I asked hoping to get a reply but there was none.

I brought my knees up to my chest, hugging them and started to cry, silently.

I'm tired, stressed and my body is wounded all over. I can't believe my luck!

First, I was targeted, nearly got hit off the highway and now kidnapped. This must be a new record.

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